Using Multiple Robots on same account?


I'm semi-new to 4X trading and am wondering can I trade multiple EA robot's on same account? If so, can I trade same pairs with different EA's but on seperate charts? Any help, advice, experience, etc... would be appreciated!


Yes you can do in such a manner but all you need to check the Robot you are going to trade supports your account or not and all you need to know that you can use a single Robot at a time. I used Fap turbo earlier and planning to go for Ava auto trader soon.


Technically it is possible to use multiple EA's, with each running on a seperate chart, and each EA manage its own trades, without interefering with trades opened by other EA's.

This is usually achieved by each EA allocating a numeric identifier to each trade, which Meta Trader calls a "magic number". The use of this number allows each EA to determine the trades that it opened and needs to manage, and which trades are the responsibiity of some other EA.

As long as each EA impliments the unique number correctly, there's no problem.

As others have pointed out, developers dont always use this feature, which results in the EA's managing trades that they didnt open. You only need one EA not to work correctly and you'll have complete chaos. You also need to be aware that just because an EA allocates a magic number to a trade, it doesnt necessarily mean that the EA uses the number in the management of its trades.