New In Forex


Well hello everyone, I want someone that helps me to know more about FOREX, because I have read a lot but I do not understand technical words yet.


I know what that's like, It's a bit confusing at first and I'm no expert.... yet, I suggest you try with a software and find tutorials on how to use it, the start checking indicators and charts, you'll find tons on info on forex!


I will tell you in brief what is forex?

The simple sense of Forex (Forex currency exchange, Foreign Exchange) is simultaneous purchase and sale of the currency or the exchange of one country's currency for the one of another country. The world currencies do not have a fixed exchange rate and are always fluctuating being traded in the currency pairs like Euro/Dollar, Dollar/Yen an others. 85% of daily trades are taken by major currencies trading.

Still if you have any query then do let me know.


you can try with babypips first it's good for beginner


yes. babypips is kinda good, but i have an ebook that can really help

forex secrets ebook


You might want to think about eventually investing in a Forex Robot Software like FapTurbo. It really helped me out lots when I was struggling at the beginning. Kind of like hand holding at first when I didn't know to walk left or to walk right or to stand still. Just my two cents I am sure there are lots of other peeps that would have their own opinion.


FAP TURBO is a forex robot that runs on your computer. They have a video tutorial section where you get videos that range from 3-7 minutes in length that explain how to setup the system. The videos are extremely well done I was very impressed. Its good for a beginner or intermediate and you don't need to be a tech genius to figure things out.You will need a MetaTrader 4 broker and they recommend recommend doing a demo account to start with their system as you do own the system for life so no rush on making trades. Which is refreshing to hear.The system has a scalper system and a long term trading system both are explained in the videos.


I agree Babypips is the best web resource for newbiew. There are so many site on the net of Forex and about learning the forex.


You can ask us if you're still feel confused about the technical words of forex and about this market.


well hello newbie here...and very newbie in forex trading..

hope you all can give me a good lesson. thanks...

you can try with babypips first it's good for beginner

hi sir..just wanna ask you a question...for your thinkng, which one most important when we want to start trading forex, 1st, we just learn how to use a thousand indicators OR 2nd, we start to analyse technical analysis..? thank you sir..i'm sorry if my broken english make you headache...hehehe peace...