Help About Forex


Hello, I want to invest but I don´t have enough information about forex, I saw some articles, but I want to listen about forex from other experts, so who can help me


It depends on what exactly you want to know, I recommend you first study the basic stuff. Visit babypips or either tradeviewforex. They have pretty helpful information for beginners.


Since you are forex trader, it is better to do the demo account first, do not invest real funds. After 3 months, you can open an micro account to trade.


hI, my name is Daniel. I also want to learn a lot, so if I can have some suggestions from experts in this topic, I will be grateful.

hI, my name is Daniel. I also want to learn a lot, so if I can have some suggestions from experts in this topic, I will be grateful.

Hello Wdaniel, I´m not an expert, in fact I consider I´m still new in this business, all I can recommend you it to get involved in this by studying as much information as possible, there are good pages for that, babypips is a good one, check the school in there, the information is easy to understand and is very complete. Then you can open a demo account for practicing with the real market, it is free to download it, Now I´m using MT4.

Visit babypips or either tradeviewforex. They have pretty helpful information for beginners.

I agree babypips is a great place to start if you are new. Also there is a lot of good information on this website and the the internet.


I don’t know what you want to hear about, that Fx is great, of course, you know that, but if you want to invest let me advice you, you need more tiem for that, get info, and ask what you want to know.


I suggest you not to look in to this market until you got enough info, as it is not as easy as it seem to be.



Hope you're ready to learning...first you have to choose a forex brokers(forex trading Platform) and then take one of the best professional forex trading's enough for successful start on Forex Market...

Hello, I want to invest but I don´t have enough information about forex, I saw some articles, but I want to listen about forex from other experts, so who can help me

I have been trading forex for years. One thing that I had discovered it that diffferent currency pairs have different behaviour. And different indicators are suitable for different behaviour. So you have to choose the correct indicator for the correct currency pairs. If you choose the wrong one, you will follow the wrong signal.


Forex trading is a great activity that can earn you lots of money. If you know what to do and have invested the time needed to understand how the currency markets behave you will surely have a profitable experience with forex trading.