

I just wanna know how many of you who like to hedge as a trading strategy..? And how do you become successful on this kind of strategy.. and how about those who don't like the idea of hedging?

Just want to hear your experience and opinions..



I think you have a strategy on mind, there are people out there with too much brain to learn, can you tell ud how you was doing that hyedge strategy?



Actually I've made my own EA based on Hedge as you can see the live statement

Yes, it's for sale, and I think hedge rocks


I am basically an scalper so I really don't use hedge, and I don´t rely on robots. But if you really want to have one you can build it with some help, tradeview guys are automatizing any strategy you may have on mind.

Yes, it's for sale

By the way, the script you use to hack your statement does faulty math. Shouldn't 30 pips profit on 0.2 be closer to $60?


Again what's the point of hedging guys ?

Unless i'm wrong, hedging is covering your risk TOTALLY.

Which means that, if you are long EURUSD, to hedge this position you must replicate a short EURUSD - which effectively means that you net exposure is 0 and you just lost the market spread at least twice.

There are some self proclaimed geniuses who thought:

Ah, im gonna go long AND short EURUSD at the same time, and I will close the winning position and let the loosing one run (hoping it will eventually go to positive after a while)...this is indeed "hedging" and that's the most basic and loosing strategy I ever saw.

Please don't tell me that you refer to that when you speak about "hedging".

Hedging is only viable IF you do it through options, not through forex positions.


Wow, quite good result. Has anyone tried this product?

If it's profitable Im interested..


In finance, a hedge is a position established in one market in an attempt to offset exposure to the price risk of an equal but opposite obligation or position in another market — usually, but not always, in the context of on's commercial activity. Hedging is a strategy designed to minimize exposure to such business risks as a sharp contraction in demand for one's inventory, while still allowing the business to profit from producing and maintaining that inventory.


can some please give me an hedging system i have no idea how it works and need to earn profits please send me on bhavsar.y@gmail.com


yogesh! i didnt really get you! what exactly are you looking for plzz be specific?


Try searching on Midas Formula. There are videos on youtube of the documentary made on it as well. These guys used hedging and took it to the next level and then failed. Not sure if anyone can replicate what they did but good Docu to watch.