Tips for a newbie about MT4.. - page 2


I know what you meant people, is very good to learn for a real live, nothing better like trade and read something new at the same time, so you can learn better. Well I don’t know for you but for me it worked too much.


For me is all the way around, you better practice a lot before going live. If something needs to be understood it better be when trading and no when losing money on live. I got different demos from Tradevie, alpari, oanda, and I learnt all the basic stuff before going live.


I've got a question about spreads, I mean it is about something I've been noticing between the different brokers where I have accounts, even demos. I've noticed some brokers show the pip spread with 4 digits while I've seen a particular one that shows it with 5. I don't know whether it makes the difference though, I just wanted to ask.


I´m not sure but I would think if the broker provides you more digits it is and advantage, because you can get a more exact percentage of the pips you get, I don’t know if I´m wrong. The broker I use is Tradeview and it offers 5. It would be great it someone clarifies this please.