Show me the money!


How many times have you heard CNBC "experts" saying that stocks are cheap, time to buy? The end result is that stock market falls much lower. If you had followed the recommendations of those gurus, you would have lost a lot of money now.

But when you speak to those "experts", they will tell you that you do not understand what is value investment. They will tell you that stocks are trading below their intrinsic value, so we will see profits when market realises that.

The problem is I need real profits, not just potential profits. I need an alternative income in this unstable economy where jobs are not secured and unemployment rate is high.

As a matter of fact, I do not agree with those "experts" that stocks are undervalued. I believe we will experience negative growth in earnings for stocks over the next few quarters. Hence stock price may fall even lower.

Since start of 2008, I had since switched to forex trading. Due to my experience and skills as a hedge fund trader, I managed to build a model that can help traders to achieve 70% success rate in forex trading.

Here are my track records:

A) In the month of November, 49 trades were executed: 35 trades won, 14 trades lost (71% success rate), total profit is 857 pips, US$1,244.48.

Here are the trades details:

B) In the months of August to October: 22 trades in total: 17 winning trades and 5 losing trades (77% success rate).

Here are the trade details:

All of my trades are executed based on BL TS (trading system).

If you are interested to generate alternative income by tapping on BL TS, send an email to me at

Risk Disclosure: Forex trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to participate in the futures trading markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. This website is neither a solicitation to invest nor an offer to Buy/Sell futures or options. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results.


Review On My Trades For This Week So Far (100% Success Rate)

Here are the trades in the first 2 days of December (100% success rate):

1) US$126 profit from GBPUSD:

Forex & Binary Trading: Took Profit On GBPUSD (63 Pips Profit)

2) US$120.55 profit from USDJPY:

Forex & Binary Trading: Took Profit on USDJPY (56 Pips Profit)

3) US$380 profit from GBPUSD:

Forex & Binary Trading: Target Level Reached For GBPUSD (190 Pips Profit)

4) US$454.16 profit from EURJPY:

Forex & Binary Trading: Target Level Reached For EURJPY (213 Pips Profit)

All of my trades are executed based on BL TS (trading system).

Times are bad and its going to get worse. Job losses has hit Wall Street and its going to hit Main Street soon. No job is secured, only our bills and mortgages are secured. We need an alternative income for us to get through the tough times.

FX trading can be a source of alternative income for you and me. Click here to open a FX trading account. Demo trading is free, no harm giving it a try.

If you need help in your trading, send an email to me at


458 Pips Profit For This Week (1 Dec - 4 Dec)

This week 6 trades were executed: 5 trades won, 1 trades lost (83.33% success rate)

1. USD/JPY – Long closed (-104 pips) on 4 Dec, seehere

Open Buy: USD/JPY @ 93.51
Stop level: 92.47
Target level: 94.66
Closed: 92.47 (Loss is 104 pips, US$224.94)

2. USD/CAD – Long closed (+40 pips) on 4 Dec, seehere

Open Long: USD/CAD @ 1.2547
Stop level: 1.2443
Target level: 1.2663

Closed: 1.2587 (Profit is 40 pips, US$63.56)

3. GBP/USD - Short closed (+63 pips) on 2 Dec, see here

Open Short: GBP/USD @ 1.4868
Stop level: 1.4950
Target level: 1.4735
Closed: 1.4805 (Profit is 63 pips, US$126)

4. USD/JPY – Shorted closed (+56 pips) on 2 Dec, seehere

Open Short: USD/JPY @ 93.46
Stop level: 94.30
Target level: 92.51
Closed: 92.90 (Profit is 56 pips, US$120.55)

5. GBP/USD - Shorted closed (+190 pips) on 1 Dec, see here

Open Short 20,000 GBP/USD at 1.5311
Stop level at 1.5510
Target level at 1.5121
Closed: 1.5121 (Profit is 190 pips, US$380.00)

6. EUR/JPY - Shorted closed (+213 pips) on 1 Dec, see here

Open Short 20,000 EURJPY at 120.73
Stop level at 123.00
Target level at 118.60
Closed: 118.60 (Profit is 213 pips, US$454.16)

All of my trades are executed based on BL TS (trading system). If you are interested to generate alternative income by tapping on BL TS, send an email to me at

If you are interested to open a forex trading platform, click here to open. Choose Pro-Account in account opening. Demo trading is available, give it a try, its free anyway.

Risk Disclosure: Forex trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to participate in the futures trading markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. This website is neither a solicitation to invest nor an offer to Buy/Sell futures or options. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results.