Ready to invest


Hello I am new here in this forum, I have some practice in Forex and I am just about to open a real account, so I am looking for advice on where to do it? So if anyone can help me out, I don’t really like the site I got my MT4from so that’s out of the question! Help pleas


I recommend that you look carefully and study all the possibilities that are available in the market. Also make sure they are regulated FCM and that they are known. Don’t want anyone to run away with your money


Many times new traders who have done well in a demo account open up a live account and things start to fall apart. Having real money on the line is very different emotionally than trading pretend money. When losing in a live account, every pip can result is feelings of frustration or pure joy. These emotions can cause traders to make different trading decisions in that live account than were made when trading in the demo account. As a result, the person could be lead to more negative trades

Hello I am new here in this forum, I have some practice in Forex and I am just about to open a real account, so I am looking for advice on where to do it? So if anyone can help me out, I don’t really like the site I got my MT4from so that’s out of the question! Help pleas

Well, I think I´m not too ready to invest now, but let me tell you about MT4, I got from tradeview and for me It´s good, I don’t know where you got it, but I really advice you that page to download it.


Hello well I read in another forum is that you are not supposed to be more than 3 months in a demo account. That way you don’t burn your strategy on your demo and once you do manage your account, to trade soft or low


fxopen is good. you can try and test

I recommend that you look carefully and study all the possibilities that are available in the market. Also make sure they are regulated FCM and that they are known. Don’t want anyone to run away with your money

Hi Haley,

Yes you are absolutely right, before starting its all important to check out for all possibilities available in market. In addition to that i also want to add one more thing, Forex trading is just not a simple investing business, you have to have a insight of everything when in this business.

I recommend to all beginners to just get a know how about the market trend and also about some of brokers out there.


Hi there everyone, well I've been seeing lately these types of responses to every noob, I even got some when I made some questions, and I would like to know, when you mean "everything", what are you exactly referring to and besides that is there a way to know it all about this world? (FX I mean).


YES, u can get the whole information about FX and about something else in internet, in book, newspaper, tv, etc. Difficult of this is how you can get all this info, from my experience I cant get the entire info in one site, its almost impossible, you have to read different sites with specialization in indicators, software, broker, news, etc. But there are some sites with good info about all of this, like babypips, tradeview, fx fisherman and of course the forums, where you can find specifics threads about on topic, for your questions and answers.


My opinion is that you only can trade well if you have tested out allot of different systems.

In this way you can see how the system reacts to the market conditions.

Three months of demo trading is just not enough to say yes I'm ready to trade my live account...

But if you really feel the need to start then it doesn't matter what other people say, you'll probablly start annyway


Oharas I see your point, however when I meant all the information just make up the picture. Do you think you'll be able to know everything about Forex? I think everyday there's new information, plus have in mind all the strategies of different people, that makes part of the FX world also. I think it is quite hard to know it all. I guess you learn the basic and from that point is your experience.