What is Forex? - page 2


Yeah you're right cuttie. The only way to get pips for sure is to study and develop a hell of a plan, so great that you could live from forex on the future hahahaha. Happy trading for everyone.


Trading in forex requires patience,knowledge, experience plus money too. Trading currencies, commodities, F&O market requires huge margin to deposit. Trading in shares is not that must risky as compared to F&O market. Trading forex market without knowledge and not keeping any financial back up can give you a huge loss and leave you with empty hands.


Forex is a short for foreign exchange. When one speak of a forex profit or loss, he is talking about the increasing or decreasing value of an investment caused solely by currency movement.


forex is a place to buy and sell foreign currencies. If we buy buy EUR / USD then it means if we buy the EURO and sell the USD. From there we will make a profit. Forex is a business that has many advantages but it also has a lot of risk. So we need to have skills and psychology good to make profits from forex.


I think Forex is risky but we can minimize or avoid loosing money with learning about Forex. So if you have knowledge and skills then it will be easy for you to make good money Forex.


Forex is a market for buying and selling currencies. Binsis Forex is a very large, so the advantage that we can get bigger. But the forex risk is also very large so as to pursue this business is not easy and the hard work necessary to be successful in forex.


this is biggest financial market. it has high liquidity. we can make money with this market. when we can analysis the accurate.


Forex is a very big business but has a lot of risk. to be successful in this business we need to minimize the risk properly. we have to use SL when trading so that risk can be minimized by good