

I really want to know what a good indicator is

I´ve heard about it, but didn’t find a good list

Do you have something for me?


You have to find YOUR indicator(s). A good one(s) for a trader won't be necessary good for another. Each trader has his own style/risk and preferences.



Hello there you seem to know a lot about the subject , so here goes my question are there any indicators for beginners , I mean are there any indicators easier to use then others?


The first thing you need to do is mark the resistance and supports, after you have done those, I personally like and I think is easy for beginners is the accelerator oscillator which I easy to read.


Hello I was looking into that indicator and it is easy to read no doubt about that, but you need to combine it with another indicator, for example I am combining it with the moving average. I don’t know much about it but if the cross of the two lines shows a trend and the ACC. OSC. also shows a trend I trade

Hello I was looking into that indicator and it is easy to read no doubt about that, but you need to combine it with another indicator, for example I am combining it with the moving average. I don’t know much about it but if the cross of the two lines shows a trend and the ACC. OSC. also shows a trend I trade.

The longer a moving average’s look-back period, the more the average trails behind changes in price direction. On the other hand, moving averages with short look-back periods respond more quickly to price changes but, because they reverse direction on minor price moves, they can lead to whipsaw losses. I think you should modify the moving average and try to adjust the average according to the ratio of market direction to volatility. What do tou think?


I don’t think I really follow you here, are you saying that I must continue to adjust the average. Now where do I get the moving average indicator and how do I use it? I have a demo from tradeview, does it have it or do I have to pay extra


First of all you need to understand how the moving average work, when you set it they ask you for a number depending on the time frame you are in then you set how many candles back do you want it to analyze. You first set an open and then a close usually with a bigger number of candles.

setting_ma.jpg  156 kb

Hello community I am new in this forum and I have some questions, about my platform well I have been trading for two months now and I have some experience but also a lot of questions I could find the answers to when they arose so I hope you all can help me out thanks.


Of course Clark we are here to share and learn all. Sometimes I don´t post but reading the forums I have had access to knowledge and many times solution to problems

I don’t think I really follow you here, are you saying that I must continue to adjust the average. Now where do I get the moving average indicator and how do I use it? I have a demo from tradeview, does it have it or do I have to pay extra

A moving average is a trend indicator. It can show you how the market was moving before.

From there you can actually see how the trend is moving.

However, a moving average length that was appropriate last week might be inappropriate next week as market conditions change.

There are some types of moving averages, but I prefer the EMA.