Investing and seek advice...


Hi Traders

Regardless if you are planning on bucking trends, or merely investing in the hope they continue in the same direction, understanding and identifying them is going to be the key element to successful investing strategy. This is one of the things that makes forex trading so appealing to the statistical minded and computer orientated investor of today. The facts are all out there, and the ability to gather and organize them has never been better. In the past, it was necessary to seek advice, and usually you had to pay dearly for it. While there are still plenty of financial advisors willing to give you their interpretations of trends, you are able today to do that pretty much for yourself....




find your trending style and experience with demo account

and after that trade small with real account

control your emotion and build up your confidence


Hello decak!!

I don’t believe in perfect strategy for Forex. Most traders have theirs and for them that is the best one. If you want to start making a good profit you should build your own plan. Don’t follow the others. However you need someone who can guide you through and advice you about good platforms. But first you should focus in studying and practicing in some dem


Hey!!! I’ve been using my demo account for one month already.

just want to know for how long you think I must practice before to start trading for real.

I’m using the Tradeview Forex MT4 demo account

Do you think that’s a good one to start trading

I would appreciate if you can give me some advice.

Hey!!! I’ve been using my demo account for one month already.
just want to know for how long you think I must practice before to start trading for real.I’m using the Tradeview Forex MT4 demo account.Do you think that’s a good one to start tradin
I would appreciate if you can give me some advice.

Hello Tradeinstant!!!

I think you are a little bit nervous. You must relax.

Remember, one of the most common mistake for traders is not having patience.

When I started trading I was questioning everything I do. But I realize that you have to be confident when facing the market.

I’m not saying that you should increase your risk exposure because you think you are on a winning streak

But you can practice a lot and learn to know yourself. Tradeview has a good advisor service, use it and ask as much as you can.

I understand that you are afraid of doing something wrong but unfurtunaly in this world that how we learn.

You must focus on studying and building you own strategy. Be confident.

Trade well!!


24angel is right; you should practice on your demo for as long as you feel it necessary, the idea of practicing is to be able to learn your own technique, once you have that down your ready to really invest.