How I can made a Expert Advisor of a Indicator?


Can One say me, how I can made of a Indicator a Expert Advisor (EA)?

For example on the Slope Direction Line.

When the Slope Direction Line change the colour of green to red (see Picture) then the Expert Advisor shall make a SELL-Order.

When now the colour once more become green, then closed the SELL-Order and make a new BUY-Order.

The BUY-Order shall closed when red comes again, and a new SELL-Order start now…

I hope One here can help me!

Thank you for read this message!

Here is the Code of the Indicator:

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_color1 LightBlue
#property indicator_color2 Tomato
//---- input parameters
extern int period=80;
extern int method=3; // MODE_SMA
extern int price=0; // PRICE_CLOSE
//---- buffers
double Uptrend[];
double Dntrend[];
double ExtMapBuffer[];

//| Custom indicator initialization function |
int init()
SetIndexBuffer(0, Uptrend);
//ArraySetAsSeries(Uptrend, true);
SetIndexBuffer(1, Dntrend);
//ArraySetAsSeries(Dntrend, true);
SetIndexBuffer(2, ExtMapBuffer);
ArraySetAsSeries(ExtMapBuffer, true);


IndicatorShortName("Slope Direction Line("+period+")");

//| Custor indicator deinitialization function |
int deinit()
// ???? ????? ?????? ??????

//| ?????????? ??????? |
double WMA(int x, int p)
return(iMA(NULL, 0, p, 0, method, price, x));

//| Custom indicator iteration function |
int start()
int counted_bars = IndicatorCounted();

if(counted_bars < 0)

int x = 0;
int p = MathSqrt(period);
int e = Bars - counted_bars + period + 1;

double vect[], trend[];

if(e > Bars)
e = Bars;

ArrayResize(vect, e);
ArraySetAsSeries(vect, true);
ArrayResize(trend, e);
ArraySetAsSeries(trend, true);

for(x = 0; x < e; x++)
vect[x] = 2*WMA(x, period/2) - WMA(x, period);
// Print("Bar date/time: ", TimeToStr(Time[x]), " close: ", Close[x], " vect[", x, "] = ", vect[x], " 2*WMA(p/2) = ", 2*WMA(x, period/2), " WMA(p) = ", WMA(x, period));

for(x = 0; x < e-period; x++)

ExtMapBuffer[x] = iMAOnArray(vect, 0, p, 0, method, x);

for(x = e-period; x >= 0; x--)
trend[x] = trend[x+1];
if (ExtMapBuffer[x]> ExtMapBuffer[x+1]) trend[x] =1;
if (ExtMapBuffer[x]< ExtMapBuffer[x+1]) trend[x] =-1;

if (trend[x]>0)
{ Uptrend[x] = ExtMapBuffer[x];
if (trend[x+1]<0) Uptrend[x+1]=ExtMapBuffer[x+1];
Dntrend[x] = EMPTY_VALUE;
if (trend[x]<0)
Dntrend[x] = ExtMapBuffer[x];
if (trend[x+1]>0) Dntrend[x+1]=ExtMapBuffer[x+1];
Uptrend[x] = EMPTY_VALUE;

//Print( " trend=",trend[x]);



has anyone helpped you with this I have a similar issue


I will describe two ways to solve your problem :

1. You can use indicator in iCustom() function while creating EA, if you want to develop it by coding manually. Here you can find description:

iCustom - MQL4 Documentation

2. You can wait several weeks to use eacreator website to create EA (because it is not launched yet). There will be feature to upload any custom indicator and use it to create signals straight on website and download EA file when finished. Uploaded indicator parameters, modes and colors will be read from indicator file automatically and filled into fields, so it should be easy to create any EA.