Disconnect.Wav Alert


Guys and Dolls. Salutations and Greetings.

I wanted to share with you this knowledge, i don't know whether this problem has been resolved or not.

Well... here goes.

Sometimes, we, in the midst of trading-lounging didn't realize that

the Internet line has been disconnected.

The MetaTrader 4, disconnect.wav is so undistinctive.

After googling for an indicator for this function for about 30 minutes with no avail. It dawn on me that the solution could be this:

1] to record a .wav file sound using

AT&T Labs Text-to-Speech: Demo

AT&T Labs,Inc. Research - Text-To-Speech (TTS) -- Our Demo Speaks Your Text

try searching sound library.

2] and then name it "Z" and save it into the MT4 sound folder.

3] delete the default MT4 disconnect.wav

4] rename the "Z".wav to ---> disconnect.wav

5] and you're set. oh yes. the AT&T voice is just not that "highly pitched", so be aware should you use the pc to run movies or songs while trading.

Pip! Pip! Pip! Oy! Oy! Oy!