Question 4 Scorpion-Forex mark will last forever ??!!!!


I have question for scorpion or any one else can answer?!!

Forex market are going to be the same in the future , or new things will come up , like new rules ,restrictions or any thing else?!!!

Now I'm willing to make all my time for forex,cause I think taking forex as an extra job is not reliable?!!

Let's go to point here?!! some countries in middle-east start making new rules

and restrictions , they've put a very high taxes, and I also heard that specific people will be allowed to work in forex, not any one will be able to enter this mark , and this thing as i heard it will be in the whole world in the next 2 or 3 years ..

briefly new forex market will be born in the next 2 or 3 years and it won't be profitable like these days , the market we know today will be changed %100

I wanna hear your opinion scorpion about that ?!!

Forex market are going to change or not?!!!

I have question for scorpion or any one else can answer?!!Forex market are going to be the same in the future , or new things will come up , like new rules ,restrictions or any thing else?!!!Now I'm willing to make all my time for forex,cause I think taking forex as an extra job is not reliable?!!Let's go to point here?!! some countries in middle-east start making new rulesand restrictions , they've put a very high taxes, and I also heard that specific people will be allowed to work in forex, not any one will be able to enter this mark , and this thing as i heard it will be in the whole world in the next 2 or 3 years ..briefly new forex market will be born in the next 2 or 3 years and it won't be profitable like these days , the market we know today will be changed %100I wanna hear your opinion scorpion about that ?!!Forex market are going to change or not?!!!

The correct answer to that question is “no one knows”. That is the answer you will have to expect for any fundamental issue in Forex market. Due to the mercurial nature of the market there is no way to know what will happen in the future and that’s what we are doing here, we are trying to predict where the market is going and how to use it in our favor. However it is true that some people want to introduce restriction and to control the market. Basically they want to avoid crisis like what we are living today. But it looks very romantic when you think about taxes and new rules. The thing is that you can’t control the market and for that matter you can expect anything from