My Gift To Community - page 9


Thank you very much.

hi, i just finished my "book" of indicators, it is short explanation what indicators do, and how do they react to market, i also ilustrated every indicator with mt4 charts. I hope that my book will help somebody. true power is is knowledge!!!

thanks and god bless


Thank you vrymuch Forexflash.. Can I put your book in my blog?


forexflash thx for sharing man. Good useful infos!

Education never stops!


thanks for sharing, it must be very useful


many thanks for this book


This is very useful Many thanks for your time ..


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Hi man

I really liked your FTI book, I wanted to publish it on our website, of course - with credit to you! is that possible?

what a great gift to the community!

hope to hear from you!


thanks man...nice sharing...


Five years and a good book, thanks!