MT4 chart difference with others


Hi, I'm new to forex. as I still learning all the indicators and chart signal, I found out that my chart is difference from others member posting, the opening/closing price was difference?Causing the candle looks differently from others, Why? The chart I talking about is ERU/USD.

Any help appreciate, thanks!


ERU_vs_USD.jpg  83 kb

The differences come from different opening and closing times of the candles at different brokers, and also from different price feeds. My broker takes the prices from over 300 banks and publishes the best price from all of those banks at any given time. Your broker may do a similar thing but be dealing with different banks or a liquidity provider with different banks, and hence different prices compared to another broker.

Demo charts will also differ a little compared to live since they are not based on the real market, but are a simulation.

Hi, I'm new to forex. as I still learning all the indicators and chart signal, I found out that my chart is difference from others member posting, the opening/closing price was difference?Causing the candle looks differently from others, Why? The chart I talking about is ERU/USD. Any help appreciate, thanks! jeehau

Not sure what you are talking about but you have 3 differents styles of price display:

1. Candlesticks (the one on your attached chart)

2. Bars

3. Line

You can choose one of this display on the toolbar at the top of your platform.

Hope that helps.



Ooops, crossing posts.

Maybe the explanation from RebateFX is better than mine !!!
