AdemolaForex Trading System Tutorial - page 3


Thanks for your patience,

I decided to stop posting more replies untill I finalize my research and come out with something concrete.

Eventually I developed a very effective trading system but before I explain the way it works lets talk about chess again, as Isaid earlier to play chess well you'll play forex better.

The officils in chess are;

The pawns

The Rooks

The Bishops

The Knights

The Queen

and finally The King

We'll talk about who these officials are in forex trading

see you later.


Thanks for your patience,I decided to stop posting more replies untill I finalize my research and come out with something concrete.Eventually I developed a very effective trading system but before I explain the way it works lets talk about chess again, as Isaid earlier to play chess well you'll play forex better.The officils in chess are;The pawnsThe RooksThe BishopsThe KnightsThe Queenand finally The KingWe'll talk about who these officials are in forex tradingsee you later.Ademolaforex

You have awaken my curiosity here.... Hope to hear back soon...


I'll say,

every trader who wants to trade for profits (not loses should consider viewing this thread as I continue to post my ideas.

You may be trading before I was born but I just believe its worthwhile for you finding time to consider this system.

In my previous post I was talking about chess, yes its true about forex trading

first of all I'll talk about pawns. Pawns can move two steps at a time but this is possible in its first move from its initial location only. Subsequent moves can only be one step forward at a time. they can capture officials of the opposing soldiers diagonally at one step only. they cannot capture or move backwards they can only move a step forward only.

When a pawn reaches the zone of the opposing officials where further movement forward is not possible that is, the pawn was not blocked by another official and reaches the other end of the chess board.

The pawn gets promoted to any official the player owning it asks for.

Pawns are the first officials who usually face attack.

My next post is to explain where pawns come in when trading forex.

I Know what you may be thinking but I have some ideas i will like to share wit everyone here.Your questions and comments will help me adjust lapses in the system I use but please use nice words in your responses. This system do not use indicators as a primary criteria for entering trades, it uses logic sequencies that sets a trap for price action.Indicators do complement this system as they are useful in spotting reversals. You are free to debug or try it on your demoWishing you a thousand pips NB: I took the liberty to convert the document to PDF format for easier reading and compatibility, size and much more... bossxero The above system is a synergy of straddles and hedging to reduce risks as much as possible, you may remove the stop losses and shift the opposing pending order 40pips away once an order is executed 40pips away from the first candle of the day. I've attached the average daily range calculator and the pivot calculatorif you have better ea's we can use please let me know. Happy trading ====================================================== I've successfully uploaded the pdf format of the report.Belive Holy Grail or not, just try it on your demo. it took time before man believed the earth is not flat.Please download the system from the first post in this thread.

What timeframe did you trade according to your method?


ademolaforex, nice story....chess and all, but in forex, there is one

more figure....... a broker, i call that figure a SHARK.....and this figure

can do anything he wants to do! The one and only thing that can stop

the shark is a CAGE!!! Trap the mother fuckers!!!


Any good chess player will agree with me that he/she will prefer losing a pawn to capture a queen knight bishop or rook.

Thats why in FOREX I think your 2% risk per trade should be jealously used in catching the bigger move rather than choppy markets.

Any trade with a take profit potential less than 20pips is no trade at all, I know some will not agree with me but its true.

Thats why I modified the trading system to help you detect whether there is trade or not, so you trade using your pawn (2% risk per trade).

In this method your chart is the chess board and the only official I'll Advise you to use in playing is your pawn.

I'll tell you why.

See ya


About brokers, they get their cut of profits whether you win or lose thats why its better to enter winning trades only. And keep your eyes wide open when choosing a broker


What happened to this thread? Where did everyone go?


i find your thread to be interesting. yes what happened to this thread ?


I like it...this is the same style of trading of Dr Zain Agha Z100 system which is consistently successful just as this one is.We thought out methodical trading execution.