The London Open - page 175

Evening all Thomas William George Armitage was born at 5.45pm this evening and weighed in at 9lbs. Mother and baby Tom are doing very well and Dad is dancing with joy. Happy days D

Congratulations Dan and Mrs Dan, wonderful news.

That's one big baby so I'm pleased Mrs Dan is doing well.

Enjoy you paternity leave.




Hi All

Two lovely trades on Cable today, both with the trend, both as the 5ma popped through the 20ma on the 15m chart with the CCI21 crossing 0.0.

First trade at 9.30am UK opened at 1.6433 and banking at my first TP target at 1.6458 (+25) and again at 1.6483 (+50) and finally closing at 1.6449 (+16) using 5m chart.

Second trade at 2.15pm opened at 1.6458 again with TP at 1.6483 (+25) and 1.6508 (+50) with final close at 5.05pm at 1.6548 (+90) with the price stalled for the last 40mins.

All in all a great day with two lovely trades!

Hope you all got some pips too.



Evening all

Something really hit me today...

The best sportsmen always make their game look easy. Look how Jonny Wilkinson played for England at the age of 18. He wasnt flash but purely did the simple things well.

I was always taught from a very early age that if i did the basics well, the results would take care of themselves. Oh how right they were..

In trading once you chase the market you will always lose. Work with it and it will be your friend for life...

Oh boy do i feel revitalised and fresh after a few days rest with the family. I am going to come back (very soon) and start ripping up those piparoonies with you all. Infact i cant wait...

Mother and baby should be home tomorrow..Happy days!!



PS This has also taught me how important it is to have a few days away from the charts...

PSS Well done RS.. Steady as always.

Evening all Thomas William George Armitage was born at 5.45pm this evening and weighed in at 9lbs. Mother and baby Tom are doing very well and Dad is dancing with joy. Happy days D

Nice work - Congratulations to you both.


Thanks Rock...

What a great start to the week... Zakky boy nailed this am and lots of pips in the bank.

I am still off this week and back next monday.



Good afternoon all

Hope you are all well... Its hot, been swimming with my little girl and just got back from a wonderful lunch on the beach with the family. I feel re charged and ready to go...

Been trading each morning for under 90mins and i have to say i am loving this week. I have gone back to simplicity and it is working like a treat. Hands up i was thinking too much about 'what if this happens...' over the last month and it hugely affected my judgement on things and especially CABLE.

I have binned all of that and i am not going to listen to any more analysts telling me that CABLE has to fall. I am going to trade what i see and take all emotion out of my head... What do analysts know anyway!!! I have learnt a huge amount about myself over the last month and how i trade. Thats the beauty of trading in that you go through good times and you go through tough times. Its what you learn from the tougher times that make you a better trader...

Working on a slightly different approach this week and i have to say it is working very well indeed. Lots of pips in the pip tin and in a very controlled and relaxed way. I have traded exactly what i have seen and followed the strategy to perfection.

Well done Davide... 400 pips is a great week indeed. Lets double that in the next two days...

Speak to you all later and looking forward to the room next week.



Morning all

A good solid 2 hours this am...Closed all positions ahead of the news..

Made tiny pips on GOLD, 30 pips on USDCHF & got in late on CABLE for only 30... Very controlled trades ahead of the news. Job done!

I am being extremely strict with myself this week and making my pips and leaving. If u average around 200 to 250 pips per week (around 40 to 50 per day) then u should be happy. Remember thats all u have to do..Two trades at 25 pips and job done...Lovely jubbly.

Off to an adventure play ground with the little one. Wish me luck.


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Hi Di Hi Pipsters,

I had a play this morning. Late entry for CABLE short entry 1.6395 close at DP for +19. Then put an order in below DP at 1.6365 and got kicked in with news and closed with limit at 1.6315 which was another +50. Took WTI and had a long position but after some small moves north I ended up closing at b/e entry 72.02 original s/l at 71.80 and then moved stop up. Ended up going south. Can't win all the time.

Not sure when I can next have a play. Great not to be under pressure to trade and its a nice distraction from the other life!

Happy trading,

Day off Rockie


Hi Dan, hi Rock hi all

We had a great start this morning in the room with a few pipsters banking over 100 pips. Me, I just got 26 pips on eurusd but more than happy with that. I don't like the markets when they whipsaw through the averages, give me a rollicking good trend any day and I'll be happy, so the benefits of having a good money management system in place really made the difference today between pips in the tin and a big fat zero, or worse, on the Profit and Loss sheet.

Most of the room banked before the news came out and then watched the markets turn round and quickly go the other way. Dan and the guys always bang on about banking part quickly and today was a fine example of why we should do this.

So thanks Zak for another excellent session, apart from nearly choking on my toast laughing so much I had a fab time.

Dan I hope you didn't monopolize the tyre swing at the adventure playground, I know how much you like it.


PS Hi Rock, great pips!

Hi Dan, hi Rock hi all We had a great start this morning in the room with a few pipsters banking over 100 pips. Me, I just got 26 pips on eurusd but more than happy with that. I don't like the markets when they whipsaw through the averages, give me a rollicking good trend any day and I'll be happy, so the benefits of having a good money management system in place really made the difference today between pips in the tin and a big fat zero, or worse, on the Profit and Loss sheet. Most of the room banked before the news came out and then watched the markets turn round and quickly go the other way. Dan and the guys always bang on about banking part quickly and today was a fine example of why we should do this. So thanks Zak for another excellent session, apart from nearly choking on my toast laughing so much I had a fab time. Dan I hope you didn't monopolize the tyre swing at the adventure playground, I know how much you like it. RS PS Hi Rock, great pips!

Hi F,

Good point on MM! Always an important one. You can be too focused on big profits and end up with big losses. Me, I always appreciate positive pips. Nothing worse than seeing a quick devaluation in the pip tin because of too much optimism. I banked on too occasions and perhaps the second time, it was too early. But 50 pips is 50 pips. I was happy - the tin was happy. So were all happy!

Well traded F. Keep it tidy.

Back to a suit and tie tomorrow and giving my PA sore fingers again!


Tie Knotting Rockie