The London Open - page 94


Might be worth looking at a 123 on the USDJPY to the upside



Le Pimp and Le Dan;

Love the new house and its so well appointed. Gorgeous and so much less hassle than Mr Skype. Great job Cako with the Boiler Room. Fantastic idea and it was so good we had traders from around the globe. A truly international community. Thank you on behalf of the pipsters - Well done.

On to other matters - Cako where have you been? You have been missed. Its just not the same without a mad scalper, anti-strategy player in our midst. Also I have nobody to tease about hair styles. Andre is so looking forward to meeting you!

On to pips - an interesting morning. I initially got trashed going long on Swissie, was down -57 and thinking nah, gold looking good, only timing! I exited and waited for price to touch hourly 20 and dived back in long and doubled up stake 1.1165 to 1.1211 +46. Also took gold and ended up with average of +22 (but again pipsters I got messed about and had to some sneaky doubling up to make up for the earlier losses).

Thanks to Honest Bill I reversed a crude trade. Its the benefit of those pesky pivot points. He says, Rockie, its just below MP, whats MP I asked, monthly pivot, I closed out and went short from 101.82 to 101.30 for +52.

Hit my target again this morning - Had to work at it though after my earlier hiccups and had to wiggle it a bit to earn my breakfast.

Looking forward to playing in the new monkey house.......with all the other trading animals. I can see all the characters from the recent Madagascar, Kung Fu Panda etc. Perhaps I need a new name to be able to run with this herd!

Wiggling and Wobbling Rockie(shades)


Hi all

If you are keen on this chat please send me a private message with your preferred username and i will send you the link.

There are a few guys in there already.

My name is FXGorilla...




Nice one on crude - got the mini break after the monthly pivot 102.18 to 102.70 +52 pips. Another Pimptastic trade. Nothing greedy in and out...

Piggy Rockie


Guys watch cable on break lower...Might be a few cheeky pips on break below figure.


Hi Dan,

Found this a very frustrating day so far.

Got in usd/jpy first - protected my stop & got wiped out, then Gold - did the same & the same happened - but quiet like this strategy at the moment due to these difficult times as the market can soon whip against you. Been caught out too many times in the past, just frustrating when it wipes you out by a pip though - lol

Got the crude short as it broke my 5 & 15 min 20 m/a's for 71 pips.

In the EUR/USD short as I write this & now that everything has correlated I'm hoping this will be a good trade - certainly a good entry.

Here's hoping.



Hi Dan - 101 pips - EUR/USD - thought about keeping it on but pips are pips - so I'm happy!

In the USD/JPY too at the moment - looks very tired - got that feeling I may give a few pips back here but going to keep it with a tight stop - if it could just break this daily 20 M/A.

Shout it up Dan!



Well done Simon...Great effort.

Please private message me if you would like to join the live chat..

lots of pips to be made and lots of fun.



Hi Dan,

Great new chat home, just need some new "furniture" and gadgets!!




Morning all

CRUDE and GOLD set up well for small shorts below pivot.

The only problem i have is that EURUSD is at the weekly S3 pivot, which means it has fallen a long way and a pullback will be around the corner.

However forgetting about fundamentals EURUSD, CABLE, OIL and GOLD are all set for shorts so far this am. Not that its huge USD strength but more EUR and GBP weakness.

Ok will be posting any trades in the live chat...If you want to be part of this please private message me.