Trading basics - page 2


I guess that is what it is all about, develop an strategy with whatever demo you find and once you have developed your own strategy, you can start looking around for the best platform that suits your strategy as well as a broker. That's what I did and it gave great results, now I'm with tradeview and it definitely suits my strategy.

HiI would like to enter the forex market in small way and I need some assistance. Can some one help?Thanks in advance Phil

Hi philip

Just start through Demo Trading will be very helpful for you. first of all download free demo trading account from any forex trading website. and use that ,when you trade in demo A/C ,you find many queries related to trading , then can use websites for getting various information about forex trading. there are many website, which provide sufficient data for forex trading and trading analysis ,trading strategies. At least after useing one month or two months ,you can open a real trading A/C.


Have A Happy Trading


Ha ha!! philip must have become an expert trader by now!!! i think we should stop suggesting him tips and tricks, coz he isnt replying anymore


Hi, I try this website as so much other just to see if there is somebody who really profit in the market. Ive tried a lot of stuff but is still as far away as when i started two years ago. Every time you start full of hope but in a trade or two your new indicator system backfire in your face. Maybe i can learn something positive and profitable here. I am not negative but hope i can learn something new from somebody.



to share with you guys,there are 2 types of forex trading software. the first is known as service side software. this software works by letting the users log in using their forex market accounts. the user is asked to provide their passwords and user names. then they can execute any operation associated with the accounts that they wanted.the second is known as client side software. this software installed by technicians in the computer of the traders.both of software are working together to allow the traders to conduct business transaction any time of the day or even during at night.hope this is can guide you guys.regards,


Hi friends,Please be in mind to follow all the step. Here is some tips that can guides you in Forex Trading :Tip 1-The value of basic Forex educationTip 2-Attend trading coursesTip 3-Create your own profitable Forex Trading systemTip 4-Apply Forex Trading strategiesTip 5-Trade Forex in its best hoursTip 6-Use Forex Trading Software (A Must)Tip 7-Stay safe - use common sense!If you guys have another tip or strategies please share with us here.Regards,

Hi friends,Please be in mind to follow all the step. Here is some tips that can guides you in Forex Trading :Tip 1-The value of basic Forex educationTip 2-Attend trading coursesTip 3-Create your own profitable Forex Trading systemTip 4-Apply Forex Trading strategiesTip 5-Trade Forex in its best hoursTip 6-Use Forex Trading Software (A Must)Tip 7-Stay safe - use common sense!If you guys have another tip or strategies please share with us here.Regards,

Hi. I've been trying to follow these tips.

I honestly believe that i've been thru tips #1 & 2.

But i got stuck at Tip#3 & 4.

...any further tips to pass thru 3 & 4?



Trading the forex markets isn't all that different than the futures markets.

Learning the basics of a market is essential and seems pretty obvious.

What appears to be slipping by the new trader is:

  • Money management. Don't over trade an account.
  • Risk management. Know how much you are willing to lose.
  • Practice trading with a "DEMO" account. Know the different types of orders and how they work.
      • Market order
      • Buy Stop
      • Sell Stop
      • Buy Limit
      • Sell Limit

      Trading is not really all that diffucult. The new trader hears how easy it is to make their fortune in the FX markets. However, what they are not told is that it can be a very high stress adventure.

      Think about that for a second. The practice "DEMO" account lets you trade plastic money. Everything changes when you put real money on the table.

      With real money every tick takes forever and your world will start to crumble the instant it goes against you. STRESS!

      Good trading to all.


      Hi. I've been trying to follow these tips. I honestly believe that i've been thru tips #1 & 2. But i got stuck at Tip#3 & 4. ...any further tips to pass thru 3 & 4? Thanks.

      If you've done 1 and 2 then 3 and 4 should be fairy simple, but it takes some work, and probably morework than most are prepared to do. You just need to get started, and dont stop until its completed


      I never trade with Demo account, It doesn't make any sense, I'd better trade with real account but mini account where I can trade for only one cent per pip. Never trade demo, it destroys your mentality..