A good mathematician should be good in forex.

  • 53% (47)
  • 47% (42)
Total voters: 89
I would say more likely but not definitely
this is also false
why should be good? math is the only factor that move prices or does price move on math calculations?

I don't agree at all with this statement. I'm studying math and I don't think that to be good in trading implies immediately that you are good in math. 

Math is much more than finance 

Did you mean "needs to be" ?  and at what level ?  do you mean 2nd order differential equations ?  or be able to calculate a percentage ?

Why that? For calculating i have my computer :D


no one needs advanced mathematics here, intermediate statistics at most!

it is a stupid idea (sorry), I had made many researches for my ms thesis about financial data, gone deep (hilbert spaces, fourier and wavelet transforms..., difusion, stochastic differential equations... and even (dont lough) relativistic aproaches). Result is redicilous, it is a lie, a big LIE, only true for unrealistic scientists.

They publish articles on mathematical finance, look at them. Only few tells the truth about this dream (like Engle). Many tells about only theories which relies on failed axioms (simple examples: normality, continiuty). All of them results useless methods which only satisfies dreamers.

I wander about the "true" votes, tell us why? mathematically? or cut the b.s.


no one needs advanced mathematics here, intermediate statistics at most!

it is a stupid idea (sorry), I had made many researches for my ms thesis about financial data, gone deep (hilbert spaces, fourier and wavelet transforms..., difusion, stochastic differential equations... and even (dont lough) relativistic aproaches). Result is redicilous, it is a lie, a big LIE, only true for unrealistic scientists.

They publish articles on mathematical finance, look at them. Only few tells the truth about this dream (like Engle). Many tells about only theories which relies on failed axioms (simple examples: normality, continiuty). All of them results useless methods which only satisfies dreamers.

I wander about the "true" votes, tell us why? mathematically? or cut the b.s.

It's very interesting. Is your thesis available publicly ?

It would be a good idea for you to publish an article on this site.