Hello , Im just a regular guy who work in shift. Due to the nature of my job I cant be comited on certain time to trade and I can only trade 10 - 20 minute a day. So I came out with a very simple system that allow me to set order and forget. I dont even need to ON my trading terminal after that till next day. ..but in order for me to set the system it can be quite a hassle since I'm dealing with multiple pending order.Thats why I need your help with this(Im no programer , I just catch bad guy..

How long have you been trading this system? and how is the performance? If this system is proven as profitable, there might be some helpful programmer that is interested to help you with the EA.
why not try it urself..next morning? If your not sure just use demo account.
the principle is very simple , you can read from the EA criteria itself, but to set the multiple pending order manualy can be a bit troublesome as speacially if you are sleepy in the morning(I need to set it up before going to work in the morning). I sometimes have to work 2 shift from early morning to midnight , so I have no time to check anything else..
the system however req certain criteria from the broker part (theres a lot of broker actually) , you can PM me for the broker I'll be happy to share with you.
basically the EA is just to ease up the system set up (you can say the EA actually create the template for the system), the broker is the one actually doing the hard work for us..hehe.
why not try it urself..next morning? If your not sure just use demo account. the principle is very simple , you can read from the EA criteria itself, but to set the multiple pending order manualy can be a bit troublesome as speacially if you are sleepy in the morning(I need to set it up before going to work in the morning). I sometimes have to work 2 shift from early morning to midnight , so I have no time to check anything else.. the system however req certain criteria from the broker part (theres a lot of broker actually) , you can PM me for the broker I'll be happy to share with you. basically the EA is just to ease up the system set up (you can say the EA actually create the template for the system), the broker is the one actually doing the hard work for us..hehe.
You know, in order to get the interest of programmers, you will have to post forward tests results.
okay I'll post the foward test next time, meanwhile anyone knows any other forum I can get a helpful programer to help me,
I dont think the EA/Script is that hard, it only create a template for the system...
oh can zerocode help to create this EA, I might study it..
okay so to prove a policemen can also do programming (besides being trading strategy creator!) I've decided to do the programming myself. But the EA wont start although theres no eror at all!
heres the code:
int start()
int ticket;
ticket=OrderSend( Symbol(), OP_BUYSTOP, 0.01, iHigh(NULL, PERIOD_D1, 1) + 3*Point, 3, 5*Point, 4*Point, "Buy 1", 1, 22*60*60, 0);
ticket=OrderSend( Symbol(), OP_BUYSTOP, 0.03, iHigh(NULL, PERIOD_D1, 1) + 5*Point, 3, 5*Point, 4*Point, "Buy 2", 2, 22*60*60, 0);
ticket=OrderSend( Symbol(), OP_BUYSTOP, 0.03, iHigh(NULL, PERIOD_D1, 1)+ 8*Point, 3, 5*Point, 4*Point, "Buy 3", 3, 22*60*60, 0) ;
ticket=OrderSend( Symbol(), OP_BUYSTOP, 0.02, iHigh(NULL, PERIOD_D1, 1) + 13*Point, 3, 4*Point, 5*Point, "Buy 4", 4, 22*60*60,0) ;
ticket=OrderSend( Symbol(), OP_BUYSTOP, 0.01, iHigh(NULL, PERIOD_D1, 1) + 21*Point, 3, 4*Point, 10*Point, "Buy 5", 5, 22*60*60,0) ;
ticket=OrderSend( Symbol(), OP_SELLSTOP, 0.01, iLow(NULL, PERIOD_D1, 1) - 3*Point, 3, 5*Point, 4*Point, "Sell 1", 1, 22*60*60, 0);
ticket=OrderSend( Symbol(), OP_SELLSTOP, 0.03, iLow(NULL, PERIOD_D1, 1) - 5*Point, 3, 5*Point, 4*Point, "Sell 2", 2, 22*60*60,0);
ticket=OrderSend( Symbol(), OP_SELLSTOP, 0.03, iLow(NULL, PERIOD_D1, 1) - 8*Point, 3, 5*Point, 4*Point, "Sell 3", 3, 22*60*60, 0);
ticket=OrderSend( Symbol(), OP_SELLSTOP, 0.02, iLow(NULL, PERIOD_D1, 1) - 13*Point, 3,4*Point, 5*Point, "Sell 4", 4, 22*60*60, 0) ;
ticket=OrderSend( Symbol(), OP_SELLSTOP, 0.01, iLow(NULL, PERIOD_D1, 1) - 21*Point, 3,4*Point, 10*Point, "Sell 5", 5, 22*60*60, 0) ;
Coding is not that easy, is this part of your code? Or the whole code itself. It seems to be incomplete
the problem is in stoploss and takeprofit parameters.
you can't just write 5*Point, 4*Point
they must be valid price levels
First: Your volume levels are almost certainly too small--see GetMarketData() below--but it's up to your brokerage firm if they allow < 0.1 lot size.
Second: You don't need to assign the return value of OrderSend() UNLESS you are going to use it later and then you would want to use independant
variables (or an array) for each sent order. It doesn't look like that's what you want though. See example below.
Third: {price + x * Point} WITHOUT checking for limits, can (possibly) be out of range, causing your order modification to be rejected by the server.
The problem is probably "iHigh(NULL, PERIOD_D1, 1) + 3*Point", where the "3*Point" is probably too close to current price and might
generates error 129 (ERR_INVALID_PRICE).
Fourth: When assigning prices as doubles you almost always need to use NormalizeDouble(double value, int precision) to prevent server rejections
of "unnormalized" doubles.
In general: Move your cursor to any of functions in your code and hit F1. And my son-in-law is a police officer in Kansas City, KS and you can
be anything you want to be, including a programmer!
Just as an example:
extern double MA = 21, RSI = 10, StopLevel = 30, TakePoints = 8, MaximumRisk = 0.90;
// global variables (externs always are global)
double TakeProfit, StopLoss, StartupBalance = 0, MinimumLots = 0.1, MaximumLots = 100, PMStopLevel, Lots, ModeStopLevel, Signal = 50;
double Slippage = 1; // whatever you are comfortable with but if you have to get above 3, the market is too wild--wait for it to settle
int GetMarketData () // variables use in GetMarketData() are global in scope (set up before any routines)
ModeStopLevel = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_STOPLEVEL);
MinimumLots = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT);
MaximumLots = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT);
if(MaximumLots > 100) MaximumLots = 100; // set min and max lot size
if(StopLevel < ModeStopLevel) StopLevel = ModeStopLevel; // if your stoplevel is smaller than permitted, make it legit
PMStopLevel = StopLevel; // use PMStopLevel (you might want a larger stop loss than minimum)
int start
GetMarketData(); // gets minimum and maximum and stoplevels for you (plus a lot of other info, if your script needs it)
Lots = NormalizeDouble(AccountFreeMargin() * MaximumRisk / 1000, 1);
if(Lots < MinimumLots) Lots = MinimumLots;
if(Lots > MaximumLots) Lots = MaximumLots;
if(conditions for long...)
StopLoss = NormalizeDouble(Ask - PMStopLevel * Point, Digits);
TakeProfit = NormalizeDouble(Ask + Point * TakePoints, Digits);
if(OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, Lots, Ask, Slippage, StopLoss, TakeProfit, ProgramName + " is Buying", MAGICMA, 0, Green)==-1)
Print(ProgramName, " Failure of BUY order (error # ", GetLastError(), ") Ask = ", Ask, ", StopLoss = ", StopLoss);
else if(conditions for short...)
StopLoss = NormalizeDouble(Bid + PMStopLevel * Point, Digits);
TakeProfit = NormalizeDouble(Bid - Point * TakePoints, Digits);
if(OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, Lots, Bid, Slippage, StopLoss, TakeProfit, ProgramName+" Selling", MAGICMA, 0, Green)==-1)
Print(ProgramName, " Failure of Sell order (error # ", GetLastError(), ") Bid = ", Bid, ", StopLoss = ", StopLoss);
// or, as per your code, test conditions to modify your existing orders--whatever, ENJOY!
// And good trading to you.
Great man... I think there are lots of work waiting for you in the codig section
Welcome among us and hope you will share your programming skills.
We are all waiting for the coding so that we can use it.

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Hello , Im just a regular guy who work in shift. Due to the nature of my job I cant be comited on certain time to trade and I can only trade 10 - 20 minute a day. So I came out with a very simple system that allow me to set order and forget. I dont even need to ON my trading terminal after that till next day.
..but in order for me to set the system it can be quite a hassle since I'm dealing with multiple pending order.Thats why I need your help with this(Im no programer , I just catch bad guy..
This system is stress free, NO indicators req. Profit Return are daily basis. Low Risk (minimum lot size ~ I dont want to look like promoting anything so if you wanna know which Broker provide 0.01 lot size just PM me okay! ) and you save on power (You dont need to 'ON' the trading terminal the whole day)
To archive the goal above I need someone to create the an EA with the criteria below..
EA Criteria:
1. Auto set pending order ONCE a day when activated
2. Ability to expire pending order at Tonight 23.00 broker time
3. Adjustable lot size to minimum 0.01 (default should be 0.03)
4. when activate will take YESTERDAY Hi/Lo (YHi/YLo) , calculate and set 5 different level of Stop order (both buy/sell):
Buy Stop 1(BS1): YHi + 3pip , T/p: BS1+4pip , S/L: BS1-5pip
Buy Stop 2(BS2): YHi + 5pip , T/p: BS2+4pip , S/L: BS2-5pip
Buy Stop 3(BS3): YHi + 8pip , T/p: BS3+4pip , S/L: BS3-5pip
Buy Stop 4(BS4): YHi + 13pip , T/p: BS4+5pip , S/L: YHi + 8pip(BS3)
Buy Stop 5(BS5): YHi + 21pip , T/p: BS5+10pip , S/L: YHi + 13pip(BS4)
Sell Stop 1(SS1): YLo - 3pip , T/p: SS1-4pip , S/L: SS1+5pip
Sell Stop 2(SS2): YLo - 5pip , T/p: SS2-4pip , S/L: SS2+5pip
Sell Stop 3(SS3): YLo - 8pip , T/p: SS3-4pip , S/L: SS3+5pip
Sell Stop 4(SS4): YLo - 13pip , T/p: SS4-5pip , S/L: YLo - 8pip(SS3)
Sell Stop 5(SS5): YLo - 21pip , T/p: SS5-10pip , S/L: YLo - 13pip(SS4)
*please disregard the old setup(I made a mistake about the calculation). Aiya getting careless lately (I really need an EA to help me)
5. will not execute pending order if the Opening of the day is higher or lower than the YESTERDAY Hi/Lo (Error message generated!)
*T/P: Take Profit , S/L: Stop Loss
*All the amount of pip for T/p and S/L for each level is adjustable
#All Level are based on Fibonacci Level. The main concept are based on Clasic Support and Resistance system and High momentum Price trape.
#you only need to run this EA on all 4 Major (G/U, E/U, U/J, U/CHF) few hours after Broker market open, then shut it down and forget about it. Tomorow do the same again.
*P/s: This EA might help o lot of people who have a daily job to attend , and cannot be comited on time to trade...please help me create this ea.
Actually there is a filter to increase the probality to profit on this system but I'll post it when we have the EA..