soybean !!! - page 3


here is another possible scenario for soybeans !!?

this time a bearish scenario .

a break bellow 1307.75 will increase the odds. for the bearish move !!

a break above 1396 will defer the bearish view.

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the bull market in the commodities continue !!


w:3 of 5 on the move !!!!

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yes ,what can u do ? when u are in a bull market.

all u have to do ? is fasten your seat belt,and let the bull run !!!

when i started this thread 8.25.07 the price of the soybean, was

890. today 10 month later the price is 1590 all most double !!

i really hope that someone enjoyed the ride !!

i think that now w:4 playing role.

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yes ,what can u do ? when u are in a bull market.all u have to do ? is fasten your seat belt,and let the bull run !!! i think that now w:4 playing role.

w:4 ended at 1490.25 and w:5 took place.

the price now is 1656.75 (zsn8)

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the soybean is in the same situation as all the commodities !!!

correction time.

w:1 or A ended at 1168.5 and w:2 or B took place.

reasonable target for w:2 or B is 1415 !!!

a break below will differ the scenario.

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