MT4 Timeframe toolbar


I was movimg my toolbar over when my curser jumped off screen and took the toolbar with it. I have'nt been able to find it or install a new one. It was real convenant to use and I would like to have another one. Any idea's?


First check if you hid it. Goto menu View > Toolbars. See if any toolbar is not selected. Try to click each toolbar (in toolbars menu), see if it appears.

If it doesn't work, hide all toolbars by uncheck them in Toolbars menu. Now restart MT4.


Thanks for the reply.

I should have said what I already tried,sorry about that.

I also have tried to "repair" at the uninstall but it would'nt give me that option. Not sure why about that one.


"RIGHT click" on toolbar.

it should appear:



line studies




all of it should have 'check'.

'customize' is for insert and remove item from toolbar.


That's been done many times and restarted.

No luck.

Will have a look at MQ wesite.

Thanks anyway.


I think people at forum might be able to help. If you find any solution, keep us updated, as other people might find it helpful.