corn !! - page 3

if the counting of w:5 is correct ?!then we will see high prices that never seen before. w:3 of 5 on the move !!

bingo !!!

Break out from the consolidation zone !! (wave 2)!!!

w:3 of 5 on the move !!

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if the counting of w:5 is correct ?! then we will see high prices that never seen before. w:3 of 5 on the move !!

u open the media. all u hear is corn here, corn there. !!

it is all ready w:5 of 5 !!

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update for corn :as we all know by now. the corn is in correction time (summer time).

as it looks to me,w:1 or A is done at 485.25 (zcu8)

and now w:2 or B is playing part.

if the counting is correct ? then 625 is reasonable target !!

a break below the low ? will deffer the scenario !!

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