Forex Is As Easy As 123 - page 2


so, just to absoloutely dumb it down.....

Is it the final candle eg from 2300-2400 that you base the direction of the trade or the very next candle 2400-0100.




Ive tried your system the last 2 days with GBP/USD. It has worked both times. Each time I took about 7 pips. Im still very sceptical though only because I dont understand why this works?

Do you have any Idea?

Thanks for your help so far.

Kind regards,



New member here. Interesting and easy system. Almost 00:00 atthe time I write this, and I'll try demo trades on the currency pairs that involve USD. Do you not use any stops whatsoever? If I went both long and short atthe same time, with a TP of 15 pips on each, couldn't I win 15 PIPS on one side and lose unlimited on the other without using a stop? Thanks.


Correction on my own post. Should have said "couldn't I win TEN pips on one side and lose unlimited pips on the other side without using a stop", as you were using 10 PIPS in your post.

Also question to is it you took only 7 pips each time, when Perseus says he shoots for 10, and the original post says to use a TP of 15?


Yep. I spose I was being conservative. I have tried it 4 days this week. I won three going long with about 25 pip SL. Today I went short with 25 SL and got taken. It turns out that If I used a wider stop I would have won again. I just dont feel comfortable not using a stop. However if I did follow the exact advice of Persus then I would be 4/4 right now instead of being in a negative position for the the week with this system.

I will continue to trial this with mr demo over the next month or so. It seems to work... I will try for 10 pips min from now on.


Testing this on a demo account, based on rules in the first post, which is TP of 15 PIPS, and no stop loss. Am trading 5 pairs, and entered as soon as I could input them after 00:00 GMT. As of the writing at 16:00 GMT, here's the results.

EUR/USD SHORT, down 46 pips

USD/CHF LONG, down 18 pips

USD/JPY SHORT, made 15 pips

USD/CAD made 15 pips

GBP/USD made 15 pips

I will close out any open trade just prior to 00:00 GMT.

Perseus, if I am incorrect on these "rules" being how you recommend this system being traded, please let me know. As I am only using a demo account, it's no big deal to be down 46 pips on the EUR/USD, but, if it closes at a loss of 45-46 pips, that takes 3 wins of 15 pips to cancel out the 45 pip loss. If it continues going bad.............ouch!

I'd really like to see the system work, as the method of trading is ideal, and the time 5:00 PM Pacific Coast time is even better.


Finaltally for the day is:

EUR/USD a loss of 55 PIPS, or $550.00

USD/CHF, a loss of 24 PIPS, or $197.01

On the other three pairs, a gain of 45 pips, or $410.46

Not a good start, but I'll demo it for awhile. I believe I followed the rules, but iof not, Perseus can let me know where I didn't.


Hi mate,

How is your trial of the system going?

Im couldnt be on a worse time frame to trial this system but am curious as to your results?



This Z.T.L. sytem claims minimum 15 pip profit everyday - mechanical, easy to use. Never a losing day in last four months. Claims rave reviews by users - does anybody have info to substantiale any of this or is it somewhat normal advertising and a little biased?


Not going as advertised. MANY more losses than wins, and the losses would kill you without stops. WITH stops, which Perseus doesn't use or recommend, the losses would be less, but they'd still be there. With such small pips of 10 or 15 for profit, just one loss of 100 pips wipes out 10 wins. I think Perseus was just having some "fun" with his postings.