Who moves currencies...


Hello everybody!

Recently I've read a couple of articles about the Consortium of largest world banks and their EBS system. The main idea is that FOREX, unlike stock market, is not a market at all, and EBS is able and practically moves currencies anywhere it wants to, regardless of any fundamentals. So, the objective of technical analysis is to understand the algorythm of quoting used by the "main computer" of the EBS.

It's very interesting for me - what do experienced traders think about it? Do we trade on the market or it's just a planetary computer game?

Thanks a lot! if someone give his opinion..


You speak my mind, mate. Forex is not a market at all. It's about the rates these banks set, not by us as speculators. It's the outcome of decisions made by these banks. They say price to go to point x, then at x will it be.

Forex is unique in a way that if you want to make money, you have to design a system to beat the banks.


we move currency, Bush move currency and bla..bla..



What moves currency prices?

-interest rate differentials

-the hope of economic up turns

-gold & commodity prices

...and how big institutions view these fundamentals and ultimately which currency they decide to buy/.sell based on that view