Money Map Indicator - page 2


The indicator for MT4 is on the very first post so no need to buy it. I plan to test it next week. The rules seem simple enough. I will try to let you all know what I find out. I think that this will save me time if not anything else. Finding fib cluster can be very time consuming. This thing updates them in real time.


Today I was able to observe 2 setups and both gave the 20pip profit recomended in the webinars. The first was on the EUR/USD at US open and the other was on AUD/USD at Asian open.

Andy advises you trade durring EUR open, US open and Asian open.

I will be going on holiday until next Wednesday so I will post more once I get back.


Thanks....have fun on your trip....will see what you find out!!



THe probelm with the missing shades is continously plagueing me, that is caused by lack of price data, you need as much as that as you can get, also make sure the show bars is set far enough out for the ea's to grab the nessaceray data.


I think i understand this now, will be intersting to test next week. My only problem with the videos is that a lot of those movements are clearly news events. News can just as easily go the other direction fast and he doesnt really show any examples like that. I really hate it when someone uses news events to demonstrate a non-news strategy. I also have a blank 4th time frame unless I change to 1 hour time frame on chart, but only the bottom third of the column shows color though. Let me know if you figure it out


To get all 4 roadmaps try getting rid of market watch and navigator on the right side of your platform. This will let you make your chart bigger. Then if that doesnt work make your candles smaller by clicking on the zoom out. I found when I did that I got all 4 roadmaps!!!


Hi I am back from spring break.

This morning I had a setup on usd/jpy short it gave 20pips. This setup did not happen durring a session open but I paced volumes on the chart and noticed it was increasing. Look like the system pretty much depends on volitity to work.



Somthing new I tried today. I decided to take a trade durring low volitility to just see what happened. Instead of going for the normal 20pips I changed it to 10pips. I did a long trade on usd/jpy and within an hour got my 10pips with a drawdown of 4pips only.

I will continue to try to test this "10pip low volitility method" to see how it works out.

Let us all know how others of you are doing with the "money map system". I would love to have input from others.



my chart do not shown any figures.

can you advise how to configure to get the values displayed?

btw what timeframe do you use to trade with fxgauge?

no_value.jpg  29 kb

looks very interesting, i'll have look on it tonight