Data problem... IBFX or MT4?


So i was looking at some data of a backtest I just did and noticed that I'm missing data between 2006.01.05 and 2006.01.23 but I still made the profit? My expert does several trades everyday but here theres a big gap and then poof theres $8,000 that appears

28686 2006.01.05 11:18 buy 14344 0.10 1.2163 1.2093 1.2181
28687 2006.01.05 11:18 t/p 14344 0.10 1.2181 1.2093 1.2181 18.00 163728.64
30313 2006.01.23 00:52 buy 15157 0.05 1.2248 1.2178 1.2266
30318 2006.01.23 01:22 close 15157 0.05 1.2235 1.2178 1.2266 -6.50 171790.66

What do you think this is caused by?

has this happened to anyone else? its quite odd


seems to happen more than once..

8271	2005.06.19 23:57	buy	4136	0.05	1.2218	1.2148	1.2236	

8272 2005.06.20 01:52 t/p 4136 0.05 1.2236 1.2148 1.2236 8.57 49044.88
16273 2005.08.03 09:25 buy 8137 0.05 1.2322 1.2252 1.2340
16302 2005.08.03 12:12 close 8137 0.05 1.2319 1.2252 1.2340 -1.50 95160.68

do you think it's because I tested out from 2005.01.01 to 2006.10.30 ?

my file is 9.3Mb right now so you think it skipped some data from showing?


Sorry for the third post but I need these things seperate... so it shows up in MT4 itself, but when I saved the file it didn't show all the trades...


IBFX has admitted that their back data has problems - the further back you go the more errors and gaps there are. The best data comes from Alpari.


That looks interesting and I will be sure to use it, but my question really revolves around why does it show in the MT4 itself and not on the saved file..