President of MetaQuotes Invites Me


Hey guys

Lenar the president of MQ asked me to join Automated Trading Championship 2006 and to give interview about automated trading. He did search participants database and told me he hadn't found me.

It's kinda exciting first, but I am not going to join that contest because of privacy reasons. Firstly, they will give money onl y if the winners agree to appear in public, give public speech, and go to other events to promote their platform. It might be fine others, but I feel like they pay the prize not to award the winners but force to work for sponsors. And secondly, i'm concerned that my experts would be cracked. I don't think I would give experts that can potentially make millions with 50k.

What do you think?


Well I have to say that should be greatly honored if you have been individually called out in such a way. However I do understand your concern, you should ask him why they would need your expert, because being the company that made the language they should obviously find a way to find the root of the code. Try asking him that I am very interested in the answer