BIG Plans for Website and Forum - page 2


Guz, we don`t ask blog owners to give out links to our site, we just agree with them about broadcasting their posts here, and then we will have a page here where everyday the new posts from the most popular and interesenting blogs are posted. So visitors could open one page and read all of the posts that blog owners posted today in one place, without the need to hop around from one site to another.

As to the functionalities, I am more of a people person,and I work in sales department, So I could join the PR and Advertising department (sounds fancy ) .


I'm having problems with PayPal payments. My country is outside their service coverage. Paid posters usually ask for paypal, so it's payment problem here. There must be some guys who can accept e-gold out there.

Google Adsense revenue is paid one month late. That means if we request payment this month, they will pay the months before August. The check is mailed via express mail at the end of the month. Here in Cambodia, US check will take 45 days to clear, so to get hold of money, it will take 75 to 80 days. That's 3 months! What do you think? There might be improvement in the future like Google might be able to send wire-transfer.

Guys, answer this: Do you really want to be part of this? If "yes", what are our terms of agreements? like accounting, payments, number of shares, number of shareholders, initial capital, share of profit, company registration, responsibility, etc. We should get started disussing these if you give me a big "yes".

To tell you the truth, I absolutely have no experience in setting up joint-venture company. Should we register a legal entity like a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in USA? If we operate in private, we don't have to pay corporate tax.


Well I can't assure you that I'll be 100% part of this because of my work. I see this more as a hobby and/or part-time job. I've been getting quite busy these days but I can always sacrifice a good 30 minutes on here as well per day. As of right now I don't see a reason to become an LLC, like ravique said we should take things slowly and one at a time.

I think we should first start with expanding the forum by something to look at. By that I mean the calendar is a good way to start, the users will have a reason to come in and check out the website on a daily basis, the advertisments should stay Google-based as of right now (about the money, I'm sure there are other ways then check to get the money because 3 months is ridiculous). So in my opinion we should do this in the following order:


-->Newlsletter sent weekly or bi-weekly (not daily, those get annoying)

-Blogs (thanks Rav for explaining that to me)

-New Ads (with brokers)


-Marketplace? [free posting but escrow payment we take a commission]


It's ok for a "no", guys; we're still friends, and i will likely share some profit as well if you help keep the forums clean and keep me company. Your ideas are great, so i'd love you as my part-time assistants.

When the forum gets big, I will badly need somebody to manage some projects/workflow. It's you guys i trust the most, because you're here with me for more than 2 years. You know me and the business model well. When roadmap is done, i'll be discussing with you, see what kind of work is ideal for you and how much you should get paid, etc. Hope you don't mind receiving small dollars for the startup months.


I want to add another potential revenue: renting link spots. Depending on PageRank (PR), we can rent 20 link spots in the footer and make a lot of money. That's for PR4, $400/month. PR5 = $600/month. PR6 = $1000/month. Imagine we have 20 pages that has PR4 or above, we potentially make $8000+/month. Oh, home page can make $20 more for each link.

You can check /go?link= . The site sells links at the very bottom of home page. Scroll down to "Partner Site". They rent a link for $60/month, 24 links = $1,440/month.

P.S. Our forum home page now has PR4. You can check PR by installing Google Toolbar. While browsing on a page, the toolbar will show you the PR (from 0 to 10).


I didn't say no because what I mean is I can take a work load but I dont know how much I can guarantee it or how much I could do per day. that Pagerank seems impressive do they pay you a fixed amount or only per clicks?

I noticed the site's ranking on alexa isnt very high though, I'm sure raw blind hits would bring that up. That could up the cost of ads as well. Also if I understand correctly the pagerank could go up just by being linked from other websites (these could be blogs and other forums)...

P.S. I noticed when looking up the ranking in alexa for fxfisherman that it says "you are viewing this page as a guess" instead of guest


I don't know why i usually misspell 'guest'. I've changed the phrase, thanks gaz.

So how much both of you want to invest? Even without any financial investment, you will still be part of this. I'll share the revenue with you guys as being my left and right-hand assistants. All you need to do is critic and share your million-dollar ideas like you're doing now. It comes down to this: you want a bigger piece of pie or not.

The projects will start next week, Monday 7th. I'll be coding the calendar on 7th and expect it to be finished in 2 weeks. We will scrap data feed from without their consent, without paying them too. Should we grow big, we'll buy data from Reuters instead.

My mash-up of roadmap:

  • ZeroCode will start pretty much late after the calendar. Blue-print is not ready yet.
  • Site renovation starts when vB 3.6 stable version comes out. We'll improve readability by adding left-navigation to forums.
  • Blogs syndicate will start after site renovation.
  • Ad banners start after blogs syndicate. We'll ask major brokers to advertise with us. $100/month.
  • PR links is for sale shortly after ad banners kick off.
  • Marketplace will start when there're 50+ users online concurrently.

I decided to finance the projects 100% for payment issues. It's very slow and difficult to transfer money back-n-fourth online, since i don't have paypal. And, you guys wouldn't lose anything in case these projects fail.

Ok, wish me good luck.


Wow scorpion are you sure you want to do 100% of it? I'm not saying this project will fail and you will lose all your money but don't use money that you can't afford to lose...

Commenting on the roadmap now, let's wait for the brokers until we get more users/day. I would say aim for 500 independent IP's per day (in other words, 500 unique hits/day). Also ad banners I am not sure if they are legal on forums. I don't mean illegal but most ad websites do not accept forums on a CPM (cost per thousand) basis, only on a CPC (cost per click). I worked with and (now known as I have been paid by both but they make it clear that forums aren't allowed. You might want to check into that, otherwise we could use the CPC with and


Yup i can finance it 100%, without withdrawing from the savings. Just asked you since we are together since the beginning of forum and wanted to offer you an opportunity.

We'll run the ad banners by ourselves using script like phpAdsNew. We'll get 100% revenue, no sharing with 3rd-party ad compan. I'll do it similiar to