Beta Testing - page 2


I got annoyed with the mt3 history tester so i quit using mt3

i may start using it again as i cant find anyone in the us who uses mt4 that i trust but i know they will eventualy switch over. all the ideas i had that are already imped or on the todo.


You will be annoyed with mt4 backtester too. Sometimes i find it very weird. The price move up and down 100 pips in one second! One second after trade is open, its SL which is 100 pips way hit. This is unnatural.


It seems good for me. I have my logic enter only if it happend on prev bar. if your logic enters on current bar it could mess up it seems. also nothing can be set to use 1 min. also all my logics are rare entrys and go for a good bit of pips

and when i manually check the backtester i can visually see if it has entered in the correct place. also my model is as high as it can go.

so for me it works out really good.

You will be annoyed with mt4 backtester too. Sometimes i find it very weird. The price move up and down 100 pips in one second! One second after trade is open, its SL which is 100 pips way hit. This is unnatural.

one thing that could be good in a new program is that where you put the system logic's the could be some way of putting your own code, like

" Abs(Stoc (5) %K Current - Stoc (5) %D Current) >= 5 "

so that you could easily put it where the buy logics and the sell logics are.

Just a way for us non-programers to use the code given by you all over the forum
