Beta Testing


im checking out beta1 for the 1st day very cool.

1. I added some closing logic and then decided i want to let stoploss and Take profit handle it but i didnt see a way to delete the closing logic or any type of logic after it has been added.

2. levels would be extremely nice like the signal has to have came from -75 to -50 to enter at 50. or williams has to have traveled 25 in one direction for signal/entry. any of those would be rockin

3. another thing i see really useful is to set amount of pips traveled with the last xx bars. like if there has been 50 pips move in last 6 bars stay out. or *only* if theres been a 50pip move with the last 6 bars enter<----that last one seems very usefull for breakout type stratagy.

4. breakout code based on a daily open/high or an open on a certain time candle or from a time range like take the high and low of 6-9 then buy stops and sell stops put at xx ammount above high and low.

5. ability to make rules run only on 1 day of the week or certain days of the week.

6. I know some of these ideas may be more based on my styles so i know it may not be feasible to put in as general settings.

7. i will post anything i can find when testing zerocode :P


a save settings option where you can save settings from each expert u make.

possibly make it file based and then maybe a recent files saved option like u see in alot of programs in the file menu.


after you set comparision have the curser jump to statement b

and when you decide to change logic in the same window have it overwrite

instead of append


buystop sellstop buylimit selllimits set at xx amount of pips after condition is met which can play retraces. i notice on some conditions it always retraces a certain ammount of pips. pipstep would also be nice

im checking out beta1 for the 1st day very cool. 1. I added some closing logic and then decided i want to let stoploss and Take profit handle it but i didnt see a way to delete the closing logic or any type of logic after it has been added.

You can delete any logic by first select it and then click the X button (not close window button) at the top-right.

2. levels would be extremely nice like the signal has to have came from -75 to -50 to enter at 50. or williams has to have traveled 25 in one direction for signal/entry. any of those would be rockin
It's possible. Just feed your own logics. Try to do it first, and I'll help you later on.

3. another thing i see really useful is to set amount of pips traveled with the last xx bars. like if there has been 50 pips move in last 6 bars stay out. or *only* if theres been a 50pip move with the last 6 bars enter<----that last one seems very usefull for breakout type stratagy.
You can do it by yourself in logic. Example: Buy only if market has not moved 50 pips since last 6 bars, so add to buy logics:

Abs(Close[6] - PriceBid) < 50 * Point

4. breakout code based on a daily open/high or an open on a certain time candle or from a time range like take the high and low of 6-9 then buy stops and sell stops put at xx ammount above high and low.
Beta 1 doesn't support entry orders, but how about market order instead? Example: Buy if bid price > 11 pips + the highest high of last 7 bars. Add to buy logics:

PriceBid > (11 * Point) + Highest(MODE_HIGH,7,7)

5. ability to make rules run only on 1 day of the week or certain days of the week.
It's possible. Example 1: Sell only on Monday and Friday. Add to sell logics:

DayOfWeek = 2
OR DayOfWeek = 6

Example 2: Buy only between 2PM-5PM. Add to buy logics:

Hour => 14
AND Hour <= 17

Hope all above help you, and thanks for detail feedback.


day 2 Im actually use to the way the curser handles now and have no problems with curser not change focus or having to overwrite anything. everything is natural also everything runs great so far with what i have tried. the 1st ea i made just for a test seems to have made money in the backtest. i wasnt planning on using the expert as it was only a test but im gonna drop it and try to test it for a month to see if it continues. now on to creating some of the ideas i have had for awhile. so far this is rocken my socksen


I'm here to help ya.


anyone know how to add the distance between %k and %d for entry like .if %d and %k are seperated by at least 5 points and etc. maybe its

Stoc (5) %K Current > Stoc (5) %D Current

or do i need to have a prev

Stoc (5) %K prevoius > Stoc (5) %D previous

Stoc (5) %K Current > Stoc (5) %D Current +7


You'll need below logic to check if current %d and %k are at least 5 points apart.

Abs(Stoc (5) %K Current - Stoc (5) %D Current) >= 5

We use Abs() is get absolute value of the calculation. In other words, it converts negative to positive.

You'll need below logic to check if current %d and %k are at least 5 points apart. Abs(Stoc (5) %K Current - Stoc (5) %D Current) >= 5 We use Abs() is get absolute value of the calculation. In other words, it converts negative to positive.

thx mucho this thing is great

i dont know if this would actually be usefull but heres an idea for future. if theres a indicator not used and when u hit 3. output tab have it show something like note: indicatorx was not used.

tring to do a double or tripple env but cant quite figure it out. 1st env is inner env 2nd is outer. with logic of price will bounce on the inner and continue in the same direction if it hts the 2nd. working on just the buy logic atm. (MA is the same as the price line) Abs(Close[2] - PriceBid) < 50 * Point MA (3) Previous Env (1) Lower Current MA (3)[5] > Env (2) Lower Current ( I want to ignore the 1st env entrys if price has penetrated the 2nd lower env in the past xx bars) if there is a loss i want it to stay out of the market for xx bars

I'm not sure what you are talking about. Any screenshot to explain?

is OR against only the last AND or is it against every AND before it?

Only the previous logic (the upper logic in the list).

how do u make a string of AND's that belong to the same OR. I want 1. and 2. to be together so OR before both or is it OR on 1. and AND on 2.?

You need to edit the mql file. Use ( ) to group logics. Example: Group the two last logics after OR.


IsBuying = (ma1_1 > ma1_0)

or (ma1_1 < ma1_1)

and (ma1_0 > ma1_0);

Edit to:

IsBuying = (ma1_1 > ma1_0)

or ((ma1_1 < ma1_1)

and (ma1_0 > ma1_0));

it would be nice if the OR lines could have a different TP SL and maybe TS option

It should be possible with the next version. I'm still thinking of a more flexible way to enter and exit positions, as some people suggested "entry orders support" and some suggested "multiple pairs support". Still in consideration though...