What features do you want from MetaTrader? - page 2


Linux/Mac support is a definite plus that could be considered even though it works 99.99% in Linux under WINE emulation. (Click here for a guide to running MT4 in Ubuntu Linux)

I believe it could also work that way for Mac OSX since it is also a *nix based OS?

Honestly, I get sick of traders complaining of problems that are caused by viruses. They spend more of their time clearing viruses and malware out than actual trading. Linux and Mac OSX change all that and it's why I prefer trading in Linux rather than windows.


The votes look good to me, and I agree with all of them.

The Never-expired demo account is not completely necessary but would be nice to have all the same, many brokers allow 90 days expiry after inactivity.

It would be great to have it run under Linux as well, but I am now using Vista s my OS. I still prefer Linux for its reliability though. So far I have had no viruses in vista. Never had any serious problems with MetaTrader in XP or Vista apart from the odd bug.


Lets bump this old thread xD lot of you guys ask for things that can be added to the current version of mt, features should be for the closed source stuff. I'd love to see a metatrader for linux besides that linux can run win executables, then the capabilities are endless, and for win it will be cool to add unlimited custom shortcuts for everything :P


The only thing I want from MT4 that currently doesnt publiclly exist.

Is stocks futures and currencies all on the one thing.

This would make it the ultimate platform.

Also with the ability to have historical data and chart feed come from your own e-signal and the trades routed through to your broker as you trade off the chart for any instrument.

There is one place that gives it but they are not registered with anyone

Forex / Ôîðåêñ - "Water House Capital" - new generation of brokerage services. Best rates for trading on FOREX, FUTURES and STOCKS markets. - Water House Capital are a russian company with some San Fransisco office but have no NFA CFTC reg.

Also there demo data is messed up at times.

I would hate to think what there live is like.


I cant agree more. Data for commodities, indices and equities would pull teeth out of anyone on the market. Add futures, CFD's, options etc and this software will kill any provider out there such as Bloomberg, Reuters and whoever there is that charges lame high amounts for systems that reflects as they were made for people in the 80s. I would even pay to get this stuff setup!


From a developers perspective, some basic debugging facilities would be nice !


Seriously, I cant say this often enough. Give people the ability to custom add markets, commodities and whatever exclusive thing they might like and this software will destroy anyone else out there.


Great Poll,

Since we can still propose features for MT5 or ZeroCode I'd like to add some craved features.

1. Higher tick resolution. We need a DDE feed utility to coordinate with the backtesting .csv file so we can make our own sub-minute bars.

2. Macro exec thread. I'd like to execute command line macros from MT4/5 events. I currently execute trades in non-Metatrader brokers like MBTrading with AHK, autohotkey scripts.

3. An Excel based accounting macro to scrape and parse all the live trades for tax reporting in various countries.



All the things in the poll seem good apart from already made EAs, codebase already has many of them and most if not all are useless.

Where Metaquotes needs to improve is allow ECN brokers to be compatible. And for MQL to allow us to send as many orders as we want at any one time without Trade Context Busy error. There are a few other improvements but that one is sure to stop all serious pro traders from using MT4.

Trade Context Busy - Google Search


Would it be possible to disable the sell option or buy option when placing orders on different pairs.


If I just wanted to place sell orders on EUR/JPY and EUR/USD and buy orders on GBP/CHF and AUD/JPY

It might help people like myself hitting the wrong button and ending up with a buy and sell order on the same pair.