Custom indicator - page 2


MetaQuotes Software always replies to all incoming emails. try to write to .
a new website with all examples and user's manuals will be soon in in English language.

Yes, I certainly have to agree with everyone's thoughts on MetaQuotes documentation as well as support. A great many cries for help go left unanswered on their own forums, their staff often border on being rude (I guess that's the issue with poor English skills on their part), they seem resistant to implementing new features despite continual user feedback and they have never replied to any emails I've ever sent. I really like Metatrader as a stable platform with a strong scripting backend but there'll come a day soon when a better one will come along by a company who listens to users. MetaQuotes will pay the price unfortunately. Learning to program MQL? Yeah, join the club on the slow road to picking it up. It certainly isn't easy. The last time I coded was Assembly back in the Z80 days - it's taking me a while but I'm getting there slowly. Cheers Martin

MetaQuotes is extremely poor in term of support as I mentioned in Barriers that make MetaTrader unattractive to big brokers thread. Why their support is poor? Because most of their staffs are Russians who are mostly English illiteracy. I noticed a few staffs who can can speak and write English well in their MT4 forum last few months, but now they might have been fired already--they're just gone from the forum. Back to the point, there is a very good tutorial on MQ4/MQH language at I'll be right back with the mql references.

The best MQL4 tutorial is here:

Please return with a feedback


need some help with finding or making an indicator or ea that has a loud audible alarm when the price crosses an ema or a trend line

the platform i use in MT4

thanks to anyone who can help me with this or point me in the right direction..

