How can i help the project?


Greetings All Members,

I have recently become a member and have been trading for around 3 years. I read an article about automated trading bots, I knew it could be possible.

I have been reading the previous messages and must say this bot rumours to be quite remarkable.

As stated, this bot is not available for purchase or lease, only available for those members who help in the development of it.

So, basically is there any way i can be of benefit to you. I am currently studying Internet Engineering in the U.K. I have some experience in programming and visual studio.NET.



My way of helping right now is to find other strategies to put in the bot to chose from when it is released. Otherwise it has been said that right now the only way to help is wait and be a beta tester. My recommendation to make all this work out is to contribute as much as possible to threads. Combining our ideas and strategies will just make this bot more solid and more powerful.

Good luck around the board


You have the points gazuz.

5ha1d0, Glad you want to help. Right now, the only thing you can help is like gazuz has said: participate on discussions and give suggestions, as I always think members' idea counts. When the robot is finished, you can help by testing the bot. That's it...



I was actually a member at the *old* original fxfisherman discussion site way back and had posted offering my help as a programmer... I've coded in C / C++ , many other languages, and now mainly Java at my work.

But I see that now you mainly only want testers and forum contributions, so I can do those too. :^D

Anyway, I recall the original FxFisherman idea way back and the system and I hope it all works out great... could help some 3rd world countries, etc...

I've been using FXCM as my broker for a good while and use their MarketScope free charts, however I think that (partially to help with FxFisherman) I may get a demo and possibly real account at InterbankFX 'cause I remember hearing some good stuff about them on and also I'd like to be able to program FX chart stuff, so MetaTrader looks like a natural way to go.


Hi Scorpion,

I remember some time ago last year when you first started out your discussion group and talked about making money to help others. It's great that you're still moving in that direction. In reality we only need so much money to be "comfortable" but there are plenty of people out there in this world that don't even have the basics...clean water, food and shelter. Once I start making money, there's no doubt in my mind that I will be doing what I can to help others.

I still have no knowledge that I can share but I am a willing beta tester. I have downloaded your ZeroCode and will give it a twirl. Please let me know what else I can help test.

From briefly going over the posting, I can see all of the amazing things you have done. You are truly talented! All I can say is WOW!!!

hats off to you!
