The balance of users will be collected


For several reasons, the balance of users will be collected and stored in a secure server. Firstly, it will allow me to get various statitics on fxfisherman's performance. Secondly, it will allow me to keep track of amount of money to donate.

I have thought long before making this decision. I want to hear your agreement. Is it fine?


well I think it is fine, but the problem is how much we need to invest first


Shouldn't we test this with demo accounts to start with? I'd rather start it at that and see how it goes then putting money after 3 months or so. Probably starting with $1,000 then going up or just compounding


Yes, we will be on demo for at least a month. You can continue on demo until you think it's safe to invest.


it is a good idea


So should we start making a sticky note to which forex brokers are working on metatrader?

I'm sure its easy to find, but I have to get to work now.

Happy trading


We have one already Which is your favourite MetaTrader broker?. I can find only 2 MT brokers, so it'd be better if you guys can find more brokers especially the regulated ones.


I would rather keep balances private. Corret me if I am wronge, but on the Charities Forum, didn't we decide to donate on your honor, how much and to who you want to.


Before I would even consider sharing my balance with others, I would want to see the system work on a demo.


If you are worried about people donating money, perhaps a better way to aproch it is setting up managed accounts. Have the client (person) follow the system. Then at the broker how, have them take out so much % from growth out to an account you control to give to charities. (But that would me you'd have control of it, and not us to donate as we see fit.) So you need to find a broker that supports taking out a commition every month and MetaTrader.


I know Gain Capital does the idea I am talking about, and they have an API to use. (I have played with a little bit.)
