separate functions in different files and pass them array data


Hi all,

I want to create some functions to return some signals and put them in different files to have more order in the

void OnTick()


So my problem is this. In another file I want to declare the function like:

int fun_to_declare(double *array)
 {//some thing to to

And in the main , inside the function

#include </address of the file with the declared function>

void onTick()
  double array[];
  int a=function_declared(&array);

I get a lot of error if I follow this scheme. What's wrong? How to do this? How to use a correct pointer to an array and pass it to a function?



Pointer to standard type doesn't exist in mql.

int fun_to_declare(double &array[])
 {//some thing to to

  double array[];
  int a=function_declared(array);
Alain Verleyen:

Pointer to standard type doesn't exist in mql.

And so?

How to do that?

managertop40: And so? How to do that?
He already showed you how to pass the array.