Certainly MT5 was far more improved over MT4. But still majority traders are using MT4........


myfxbook or any other major forex site does not support MT5. It is shame that MT5 is still less popular than MT4.

I was trying to upload my statement on myfxbook using MT5 and they provided some bridging software in beta version for MT5 to read my account info from my MT5 terminal.

The bridging software was totally miscalculated my trading summary but they do provide perfect service for MT4. I asked the site staff for help but no response for 5 days. Other major forex site does not even provide any support for MT5.

It is little shame as I do not want to go back to MT4 anymore..... 

Why do you need myfxbook? Use this mql5 portal for Signals for example to monitor your trades

myfxbook or any other major forex site does not support MT5. It is shame that MT5 is still less popular than MT4.

I was trying to upload my statement on myfxbook using MT5 and they provided some bridging software in beta version for MT5 to read my account info from my MT5 terminal.

The bridging software was totally miscalculated my trading summary but they do provide perfect service for MT4. I asked the site staff for help but no response for 5 days. Other major forex site does not even provide any support for MT5.

It is little shame as I do not want to go back to MT4 anymore..... 

Why don't you want to use mt4 anymore? Good software, most indicators and EAs are coded for Mt4..

Why do you need myfxbook? Use this mql5 portal for Signals for example to monitor your trades
I found volume of subscriber for MT5 signal is far smaller in comparison to MT4 even in this web site. Also I think it is good to communicate people from other forex portal web site using MT5. This opportunity is very limited at the moment. For example myfxbook hold regular trading competition but with MT5 platform it is difficult to join the competition.

Why don't you want to use mt4 anymore? Good software, most indicators and EAs are coded for Mt4..

I used MT4 for about 6 years and some people might use my indicators I uploaded several years ago. But still MT4 is not satisfying in terms of their functionaltiy for people who is from serious quant background. MT5 is certainly better.

It seems to me that metaquotes have given up on making MT5 'THE' platform, it is not popular despite being superior to MT4 because people do not want to be stuck with the single position rule which is enforced on MT5. But instead of adding the option for multiple positions to MT5 they have chosen to backward engineer to MT4 some of the MT5 functionality... so now they will never get everyone off MT4 so either both will continue to exist or MT5 will die a death due to lack of subscription and broker take up. It seems like poor product planning to me..

 One thing that I think is unanswered is; when they announced MT5 they made a big thing about code would run so much faster than the MT4. So now they have changed MT4 compiler etc. is that still true?  

I found volume of subscriber for MT5 signal is far smaller in comparison to MT4 even in this web site. Also I think it is good to communicate people from other forex portal web site using MT5. This opportunity is very limited at the moment. For example myfxbook hold regular trading competition but with MT5 platform it is difficult to join the competition.

myfxbook is using opportunity for their bisuness provided by MQ for free for them ... so - soon or later - this free opportunity will be closed by MQ for those external providers and what you will do? As I remember - Renat (CEO of MQ) told that MQ will not not going to provide such a free opportinity for external providers (there is some thread about it in russian part of the forum).

It is better to use this MQ portal because it came from 'the source' - from Metaquotes, and any other services are just secondary ones existing only because MQ did not close their free business getaway for them.


It seems to me that metaquotes have given up on making MT5 'THE' platform, it is not popular despite being superior to MT4 because people do not want to be stuck with the single position rule which is enforced on MT5. But instead of adding the option for multiple positions to MT5 they have chosen to backward engineer to MT4 some of the MT5 functionality... so now they will never get everyone off MT4 so either both will continue to exist or MT5 will die a death due to lack of subscription and broker take up. It seems like poor product planning to me..

 One thing that I think is unanswered is; when they announced MT5 they made a big thing about code would run so much faster than the MT4. So now they have changed MT4 compiler etc. is that still true?  

Interesting comments with good insignt. I hope MT5 is not dying as MT5 is one of the few platform with objected oritened programming. This is one of the main reason why I don't want to go back to MT4. but you are right on other things. MT4 is still comparable to MT5 without losing too much edge.

MetaQuotes won't spent their power and money on a plattform that the majority doesn't like. So that's why MetaTrader4 will be updated more often. If MetaQuotes would focus on MT5 and make it much better than MT4, but the majority still doesn't love it and use it, they will loose money.

Maybe later MT5 connection will be supported by websites like myfxbook. 


MetaQuotes won't spent their power and money on a plattform that the majority doesn't like. So that's why MetaTrader4 will be updated more often. If MetaQuotes would focus on MT5 and make it much better than MT4, but the majority still doesn't love it and use it, they will loose money.

Maybe later MT5 connection will be supported by websites like myfxbook. 

MT5 is like a baby for meta quote. As I can see how much effort they put on MT5, they certainly would like to hold a glorious authorhip on MT5. I hope it is little bit more than money matters.

Mt5 can trade stock but Mt4 can't, right?

And,  Mt5 can run Multi-Currency EA but Mt4 can't, right?