I'm using Wine in Debian Linux.

I can't get it to find the common data file "com" which I have placed inside /home/l0l/.wine/drive_c/users/x/Application Data/MetaQuotes/Terminal/Common.


The previous command yields the following:

2017.05.17 21:40:51.896 x AUDUSD_,H1: TERMINAL_COMMONDATA_PATH = C:\users\x\Application Data\MetaQuotes\Terminal\Common

Therefore I have taken the correct path to be

C:\users\x\Application Data\MetaQuotes\Terminal\Common

Tried using

Print(FileOpen("C:\users\x\\Application Data\MetaQuotes\Terminal\Common\com", FILE_READ));

sais that I have unrecognized escape sequences. So I changed it as per\ to

Print(FileOpen("C:\\users\\x\\Application Data\\MetaQuotes\\Terminal\\Common\\com", FILE_READ));

which also yields a -1 no matter what.

How do I get it to find the file? I take it that its a wine issue with the syntax or something along those lines.

It finds files in the normal mql/files however I don't need to write any syntax for that as it just works with

FileOpen("com", FILE_READ));

It only allow open file on folder Common\Files

FileOpen("com.txt", FILE_READ|FILE_COMMON);
Nguyen Nga:


Thanks a lot. Got it working!!