Good UK Broker for Trading STOCK using MT4



anyone using a UK Broker to Trade Stock on the MT4 Platform?


You can't trade stocks on MT4, only CFD.
Alain Verleyen:
You can't trade stocks on MT4, only CFD.

Thanks. But are there any Good ones in the UK?

Thanks. But are there any Good ones in the UK?

Discussions about the brokers are very limited on the forum sorry.

Hope I have this right but are you meaning shares, FX-Pro has a selection of UK.US French and German shares that can be traded, (main, liquid bluechips) again hope this is what you mean, they do have an office in the UK, (not plugging brokers by the way)

Hope this helps.



Pull this post by all means if it's not allowed.


I have removed 1 post that actively promoted a broker.

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Rob Cain,  your post only contains information, there is no actual promotion. In my opinion, it does not break forum rules so it stays.

Another moderator may feel differently though.

hi, first of all i am not promoting or advertising this broker.If you want to do it electronically, I recommend <>, as they are the most efficient, fastest and least expensive option I know of.  I use them to trade my personal account in the UK. 
I think MT 4&5 were created around the Forex market with other instrument added as it evolved, I do remember asking my broker a long time ago about the MT4 platform as a means of trading, it was a long time before they adopted it, I do think the MT platforms are pretty standard now with lots of brokers and do think that it will be a matter of time before all instruments are available on the platform, MT were streets ahead of there selves and the take up slow, but you have to admit, we know who the winners are here, credit were credit is due, not exactly in accordance with the question but given time you may not need to find a broker using MT for stocks, they all will, just my thoughts.