Forecast and levels for Dollar Index - page 22


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

Sergey Golubev, 2023.02.15 15:51

Intra-Day Fundamentals - USD/JPY, Dollar Index (DXY) and S&P 500 : United States Retail Sales

2023-02-15 13:30 GMT | [USD - Retail Sales]

  • past data is -1.1%
  • forecast data is -0.1%
  • actual data is 3.0% according to the latest press release

if actual > forecast (or previous value) = good for currency (for USD in our case)

[USD - Retail Sales] = Change in the total value of sales at the retail level.


From rttnews article :

"Retail sales in the U.S. saw a substantial increase in the month of January, according to a report released by the Commerce Department on Wednesday.
The report said retail sales spiked by 3.0 percent in January after tumbling by 1.1 percent in December."


USD/JPY : range price movement by United States Retail Sales news events

USD/JPY : range price movement by United States Retail Sales news events


Dollar Index (DXY) : range price movement by United States Retail Sales news events

Dollar Index (DXY) : range price movement by United States Retail Sales news events


S&P 500 : range price movement by United States Retail Sales news events

S&P 500 : range price movement by United States Retail Sales news events


Chart was made on MT5 with BrainTrading system (MT5) from this thread (free to download) as well as the following indicators from CodeBase:


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

Sergey Golubev, 2023.04.13 15:10

Intra-Day Fundamentals - Dollar Index, GOLD (XAU/USD) and Hang Seng Index: United States Producer Price Index (PPI)

2023-04-13 12:30 GMT | [USD - PPI]

  • past data is 0.0%
  • forecast data is 0.1%
  • actual data is -0.5% according to the latest press release

if actual > forecast (or previous good for currency (for USD in our case)

[USD - PPI] = Change in the price of finished goods and services sold by producers.


From rttnews article :

"Reflecting a steep drop in energy prices, the Labor Department released a report on Thursday showing an unexpected decrease in U.S. producer prices in the month of March. The Labor Department said its producer price index for final demand fell by 0.5 percent in March following a revised unchanged reading in February."


    Dollar Index: range price movement by United States Producer Price Index (PPI)

    Dollar Index: range price movement by United States Producer Price Index (PPI)


    GOLD (XAU/USD): range price movement by United States Producer Price Index (PPI)

    GOLD (XAU/USD): range price movement by United States Producer Price Index (PPI)


    Hang Seng Index: range price movement by United States Producer Price Index (PPI)

    Hang Seng Index: range price movement by United States Producer Price Index (PPI)


    Chart was made on MT5 with BrainTrading system (MT5) from this thread (free to download) as well as the following indicators from CodeBase:

    All about BrainTrading system for MT5:


    Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

    Press review

    Sergey Golubev, 2023.05.05 17:33

    Intra-Day Fundamentals - AUD/USD, Dollar Index (DXY) and GOLD (XAU/USD): United States Nonfarm Payrolls

    2023-05-05 12:30 GMT | [USD - Non-Farm Employment Change]

    • past data is 165K
    • forecast data is 23K
    • actual data is 253K according to the latest press release

    if actual > forecast (or previous value) = good for currency (for USD in our case)

    [USD - Non-Farm Employment Change] = Change in the number of employed people during the previous month, excluding the farming industry.


    From rttnews article :

    "Job growth in the U.S. far exceeded economist estimates in the month of April, the Labor Department revealed in a report on Friday, although the jump in employment followed notable downward revision to the two previous months.  The Labor Department said non-farm payroll employment shot up by 253,000 jobs in April."


    AUD/USD: range price movement by Nonfarm Payrolls news events

    AUD/USD: range price movement by Nonfarm Payrolls news events


    Dollar Index (DXY): range price movement by Nonfarm Payrolls news events

    Dollar Index (DXY): range price movement by Nonfarm Payrolls news events


    GOLD (XAU/USD): range price movement by Nonfarm Payrolls news events

    GOLD (XAU/USD): range price movement by Nonfarm Payrolls news events


    Chart was made on MT5 with Brainwashing system/AscTrend system (MT5) from this thread (free to download) together with following indicators:

    Same system for MT4:

    1. Brainwashing. Trades: manually and using EAs (MT4)
    2. Brainwashing EAs - the thread (MT4)
    3. Brainwashing: system setup for trading manually and for EAs (MT4) - the thread 
    4. Brainwashing: system development (MT4) - the thread


    Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

    Press review

    Sergey Golubev, 2023.06.06 07:28

    Intra-Day Fundamentals - Dollar IndexUSD/JPY and Dow Jones Industrial Average : ISM United States Non-Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index (PMI)

    2023-06-05 14:00 GMT | [USD - ISM Services PMI]

    • past data is 51.9
    • forecast data is 51.5
    • actual data is 50.3 according to the latest press release

    if actual > forecast (or previous good for currency (for USD in our case)

    [USD - ISM Services PMI]  =  Level of a diffusion index based on surveyed purchasing managers, excluding the manufacturing industry.


    From rttnews article :

    "Service sector activity in the U.S. saw only modest growth in the month of May, according to a report released by the Institute for Supply Management on Monday, with the index of activity in the sector falling by more than expected. The ISM said its services PMI fell to 50.3 in May from 51.9 in April, although a reading above 50 still indicates growth in the sector."


    Dollar Index (DXY): range price movement by ISM Services PMI  news events

    Dollar Index (DXY): range price movement by ISM Services PMI  news events


    USD/JPY: range price movement by ISM Services PMI  news events

    USD/JPY: range price movement by ISM Services PMI  news events


    Dow Jones Industrial Average: range price movement by ISM Services PMI  news events

    Dow Jones Industrial Average: range price movement by ISM Services PMI  news events


    Charts were made on MT5 with Brainwashing system/AscTrend system (MT5) from this thread (free to download) together with following indicators:


    The forum threads
    1. Key forum thread - Fast Fourier Transform - Cycle Extraction - the thead with FFTfiltr indicator and explanation
    2. New EA based on the !xMeter (!xMter based on Fast Fourier Transform) - the thread 
    3. Many FFT indicators with examples and explanations - the thread 
    4. Ticks Before The News - the thread with many FFT indicators and explanation how to trade


    1. dt_FFT - library for MetaTrader  
    2. LGLIB - Numerical Analysis Library - library for MetaTrader 4 
    3. ALGLIB - Numerical Analysis Library - library for MetaTrader 5 
    4. AFIRMA - indicator for MetaTrader 5
    5. Fourier extrapolation of price - indicator for MetaTrader 5

    The articles


    Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

    Press review

    Sergey Golubev, 2023.07.07 16:18

    Intra-Day Fundamentals - USD/JPY, Dollar Index and S&P 500: United States Nonfarm Payrolls

    2023-04-07 12:30 GMT | [USD - Non-Farm Employment Change]

    • past data is 306K
    • forecast data is 224K
    • actual data is 209K according to the latest press release

    if actual > forecast (or previous value) = good for currency (for USD in our case)

    [USD - Non-Farm Employment Change] = Change in the number of employed people during the previous month, excluding the farming industry.


    From rttnews article :

    "The Labor Department said non-farm payroll employment jumped by 209,000 jobs in June.  Meanwhile, the report showed the unemployment rate edged down to 3.6 percent in June from 3.7 percent in May."


    USD/JPY: range price movement by Nonfarm Payrolls news events

    USD/JPY: range price movement by Nonfarm Payrolls news events


    Dollar Index (DXY): range price movement by Nonfarm Payrolls news events

    Dollar Index (DXY): range price movement by Nonfarm Payrolls news events


    S&P 500: range price movement by Nonfarm Payrolls news events

    S&P 500: range price movement by Nonfarm Payrolls news events


    The chart was made on MT5 with the following indicator from CodeBase:


    Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

    Press review

    Sergey Golubev, 2023.08.16 08:31

    Intra-Day Fundamentals - Dollar Index, USD/JPY, GOLD (XAU/USD) and CAC 40: United States Retail Sales

    2023-08-15 12:30 GMT | [USD - Retail Sales]

    • past data is 0.3%
    • forecast data is 0.0%
    • actual data is 0.7% according to the latest press release

    if actual > forecast (or previous good for currency (for USD in our case)

    [USD - Retail Sales] = Change in the total value of sales at the retail level.


    From seekingalpha article :

    Retail sales, including at food services and drinking places, jumped 0.7% in July from June. The growth in retail sales came despite a sharp decline of inflation in the goods that retailers sell.


    Dollar Index (DXY): range price movement by United States Advance Retail Sales news events

    Dollar Index (DXY): range price movement by United States Advance Retail Sales news events


    USD/JPY: range price movement by United States Advance Retail Sales news events

    USD/JPY: range price movement by United States Advance Retail Sales news events


    CAC 40: range price movement by United States Advance Retail Sales news events

    CAC 40: range price movement by United States Advance Retail Sales news events


    Charts were made on MT5 with Brainwashing system/AscTrend system (MT5) from this thread (free to download) together with following indicators:


    The forum threads
    1. Key forum thread - Fast Fourier Transform - Cycle Extraction - the thead with FFTfiltr indicator and explanation
    2. New EA based on the !xMeter (!xMter based on Fast Fourier Transform) - the thread 
    3. Many FFT indicators with examples and explanations - the thread 
    4. Ticks Before The News - the thread with many FFT indicators and explanation how to trade


    1. dt_FFT - library for MetaTrader  
    2. LGLIB - Numerical Analysis Library - library for MetaTrader 4 
    3. ALGLIB - Numerical Analysis Library - library for MetaTrader 5 
    4. AFIRMA - indicator for MetaTrader 5
    5. Fourier extrapolation of price - indicator for MetaTrader 5

    The articles


    Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

    Press review

    Sergey Golubev, 2023.09.14 15:01

    Intra-Day Fundamentals - USD/JPY, Dollar Index (DXY) and Nikkei 225 : United States Retail Sales

    2023-09-14 12:30 GMT | [USD - Retail Sales]

    • past data is 0.5%
    • forecast data is 0.0%
    • actual data is 0.6% according to the latest press release

    if actual > forecast (or previous value) = good for currency (for USD in our case)

    [USD - Retail Sales] = Change in the total value of sales at the retail level.


    From rttnews article :

    "The Commerce Department released a report on Thursday showing U.S. retail sales increased by much more than expected in the month of August. The report said retail sales climbed by 0.6 percent in August after rising by a downwardly revised 0.5 percent in July."


    USD/JPY : range price movement by United States Retail Sales news events

    USD/JPY : range price movement by United States Retail Sales news events


    Dollar Index (DXY) : range price movement by United States Retail Sales news events

    Dollar Index (DXY) : range price movement by United States Retail Sales news events


    Nikkei 225 : range price movement by United States Retail Sales news events

    Nikkei 225 : range price movement by United States Retail Sales news events


    Chart was made on MT5 with BrainTrading system (MT5) from this thread (free to download) as well as the following indicators from CodeBase:


    Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

    Press review

    Sergey Golubev, 2023.10.12 14:55

    Intra-Day Fundamentals - EUR/USD, Dollar Index (DXY) and AUD/USD : United States  Consumer Price Index (CPI)

    2023-10-12 12:30 GMT | [USD - CPI]

    • past data is 0.6%
    • forecast data is 0.2%
    • actual data is 0.4% according to the latest press release

    if actual > forecast (or previous value) = good for currency (for USD in our case)

    [USD - CPI] = Change in the price of goods and services purchased by consumers.


    From rttnews article :

    "A report released by the Labor Department on Thursday showed consumer prices in the U.S. rose more than expected in the month of September. The Labor Department said its consumer price index climbed by 0.4 percent in September after increasing by 0.6 percent in August."


    EUR/USD : range price movement by United States  Consumer Price Index news event 

    EUR/USD : range price movement by United States  Consumer Price Index news event


    Dollar Index (DXY): range price movement by United States  Consumer Price Index news event

    Dollar Index (DXY): range price movement by United States  Consumer Price Index news event


    AUD/USD: range price movement by United States  Consumer Price Index news event 

    AUD/USD: range price movement by United States  Consumer Price Index news event


    Chart was made on MT5 with Brainwashing system/AscTrend system (MT5) from this thread (Brainwashing original system; free to download) together with following indicator:

    Same system for MT4:

    1. Brainwashing. Trades: manually and using EAs (MT4)
    2. Brainwashing EAs - the thread (MT4)
    3. Brainwashing: system setup for trading manually and for EAs (MT4) - the thread 
    4. Brainwashing: system development (MT4) - the thread


    Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

    Press review

    Sergey Golubev, 2023.11.22 16:10

    Intra-Day Fundamentals - GBP/USD and Dollar Index (DXY): Unites States Durable Goods Orders

    2023-11-22 13:30 GMT | [USD - Durable Goods Orders]

    • past data is 4.6%
    • forecast data is 0.2%
    • actual data is -5.4% according to the latest press release

    if actual > forecast (or previous value) = good for currency (for USD in our case)

    [USD - Durable Goods Orders] = Change in the total value of new purchase orders placed with manufacturers for durable goods.


    From rttnews article :

    "A report released by the Commerce Department on Wednesday showed new orders for U.S. manufactured durable goods pulled back by much more than expected in the month of October. The Commerce Department said durable goods orders plunged by 5.4 percent in October after surging by 4.6 percent in September."


    GBP/USD: range price movement by Durable Goods Orders news events

    GBP/USD: range price movement by Durable Goods Orders news events


    Dollar Index (DXY): range price movement by Durable Goods Orders news events

    Dollar Index (DXY): range price movement by Durable Goods Orders news events


    The chart was made on MT5 with standard indicators of Metatrader 5 together with following indicators:


    Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

    Press review

    Sergey Golubev, 2023.12.12 15:30

    Intra-Day Fundamentals - USD/JPY, Dollar Index and Dax Index: United States  Consumer Price Index (CPI)

    2023-12-12 13:30 GMT | [USD - CPI]

    • past data is 0.0%
    • forecast data is 0.2%
    • actual data is 0.1% according to the latest press release

    if actual > forecast (or previous value) = good for currency (for USD in our case)

    [USD - CPI] = Change in the price of goods and services purchased by consumers.


    From rttnews article :

    Consumer prices in the U.S. inched up in the month of November, according to a highly anticipated report released by the Labor Department on Tuesday. The Labor Department said its consumer price index crept up by 0.1 percent in November after coming in unchanged in October.


    USD/JPY: range price movement by United States  Consumer Price Index news event 

    USD/JPY: range price movement by United States  Consumer Price Index news event


    Dollar Index: range price movement by United States  Consumer Price Index news event 

    Dollar Index: range price movement by United States  Consumer Price Index news event


    Dax Index: range price movement by United States  Consumer Price Index news event 

    Dax Index: range price movement by United States  Consumer Price Index news event


    Chart was made on MT5 with Brainwashing system/AscTrend system (MT5) from this thread (Brainwashing original system; free to download) together with following indicator:

    Same system for MT4:

    1. Brainwashing. Trades: manually and using EAs (MT4)
    2. Brainwashing EAs - the thread (MT4)
    3. Brainwashing: system setup for trading manually and for EAs (MT4) - the thread 
    4. Brainwashing: system development (MT4) - the thread