Forecast and levels for NZD - page 18


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

Sergey Golubev, 2021.01.13 15:02

Intra-Day Fundamentals - NZD/USD, USD/CNH and AUD/USD: United States Consumer Price Index (CPI)

2021-01-13 13:30 GMT | [USD - CPI]

  • past data is 0.2%
  • forecast data is 0.0%
  • actual data is 0.4% according to the latest press release

if actual > forecast (or previous good for currency (for USD in our case)

[USD - CPI] = Change in the price of goods and services purchased by consumers.


From official report :

  • "The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.4 percent in December on a seasonally adjusted basis after rising 0.2 percent in November, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 1.4 percent before seasonal adjustment."


NZD/USD: range price movement by United States Consumer Price Index news events

NZD/USD: range price movement by United States Consumer Price Index news events


USD/CNH: range price movement by United States Consumer Price Index news events

USD/CNH: range price movement by United States Consumer Price Index news events


AUD/USD: range price movement by United States Consumer Price Index news events

AUD/USD: range price movement by United States Consumer Price Index news events


Charts were made on MT5 with Brainwashing system/AscTrend system (MT5) from this thread (free to download) together with following indicators:


Same systems for MT4/MT5:

The beginning

  1. ASCTrend system, the beginning, part #1
  2. ASCTrend system, the beginning, part #2
  3. ASCTrend system, the beginning, part #3
  4. ASCTrend system, the beginning, part #4 
  5. Digital ASCTrend (Digital Filters with ASCTrend system combined).
  6. LabTrend (LabTrend indicators, LabTrendZigZag, templates, Labtrend EAs) - the thread


  1. The main AscTrend thread is this one.
  2. Asctrend indicator in depth 
  3. ASCTREND SYSTEM summary (good EAs included) 
  4. Brainwashing system/AscTrend system (MT5) - the thread 


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

Sergey Golubev, 2021.01.28 09:52

NZD/USD Intra-Day Fundamentals: New Zealand Overseas Merchandise Trade and range price movement  

2021-01-27 21:45 GMT | [NZD - Trade Balance]

if actual > forecast (or previous value) = good for currency (for NZD in our case)

[NZD - Trade Balance] = Difference in value between imported and exported goods during the reported month.


From official report :

  • "Goods exports fell $149 million (2.7 percent) to $5.3 billion".
  • "Goods imports rose $213 million (4.2 percent) to $5.3 billion".
  • "The monthly trade balance was a surplus of $17 million".


NZD/USD: range price movement by New Zealand Trade Balance news event 

NZD/USD: range price movement by New Zealand Trade Balance news event


Chart was made on MT5 with BrainTrading system (MT5) from this thread (free to download) as well as the following indicators from CodeBase: 

All about BrainTrading system for MT5:


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

Sergey Golubev, 2021.02.03 05:47

NZD/USD Intra-Day Fundamentals: New Zealand  Employment Change and range price movement  

2021-02-02 21:45 GMT | [NZD - Employment Change]

  • past data is 5.3%
  • forecast data is 4.9%
  • actual data is 4.9% according to the latest press release

if actual > forecast (or previous good for currency (for NZD in our case)

[NZD - Employment Change] = Difference in value between imported and exported goods during the reported month.


From official report :

  • "The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate dropped to 4.9 percent in the December 2020 quarter, from 5.3 percent in the September 2020 quarter, Stats NZ said today."


NZD/USD: range price movement by New Zealand  Employment Change news event 

NZD/USD: range price movement by New Zealand  Employment Change news event


Chart was made on MT5 with Brainwashing system/AscTrend system (MT5) from this thread (free to download) together with following indicators:


Same systems for MT4/MT5:

The beginning

  1. ASCTrend system, the beginning, part #1
  2. ASCTrend system, the beginning, part #2
  3. ASCTrend system, the beginning, part #3
  4. ASCTrend system, the beginning, part #4 
  5. Digital ASCTrend (Digital Filters with ASCTrend system combined).
  6. LabTrend (LabTrend indicators, LabTrendZigZag, templates, Labtrend EAs) - the thread 



Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

Sergey Golubev, 2021.02.17 15:53

Intra-Day Fundamentals - AUD/USD, NZD/USD and USD/JPY: United States Retail Sales Ex Autos

2021-02-17 13:30 GMT | [USD - Core Retail Sales]

  • past data is -1.8%
  • forecast data is -0.3%
  • actual data is 5.9% according to the latest press release

if actual > forecast (or previous good for currency (for USD in our case)

[USD - Core Retail Sales] = Change in the total value of sales at the retail level, excluding automobiles.


From marketwatch article :

  • "Sales at U.S. retailers surged in January and posted the first increase in four months, adding to evidence of a rebound in the economy after fresh government financial aid and a waning number of coronavirus cases. Retail sales leaped 5.3% last month, the government said Wednesday. It was the largest increase in eight months."


AUD/USD: range price movement by United States Retail Sales Ex Autos news events

AUD/USD: range price movement by United States Retail Sales Ex Autos news events


NZD/USD: range price movement by United States Retail Sales Ex Autos news events

NZD/USD: range price movement by United States Retail Sales Ex Autos news events


USD/JPY: range price movement by United States Retail Sales Ex Autos news events

USD/JPY: range price movement by United States Retail Sales Ex Autos news events


Chart was made on MT5 with BrainTrading system (MT5) from this thread (free to download) as well as the following indicators from CodeBase:

All about BrainTrading system for MT5:


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

Sergey Golubev, 2021.03.17 20:10

Intra-Day Fundamentals - AUD/USD, NZD/USD and Hang Seng IndexFederal Funds Rate and FOMC Statement

2021-03-18 18:00 GMT | [USD - Federal Funds Rate]

  • past data is 0.25%
  • forecast data is 0.25%
  • actual data is 0.25% according to the latest press release

if actual > forecast (or previous value) = good for currency (for USD in our case)

[USD - Federal Funds Rate] = Interest rate at which depository institutions lend balances held at the Federal Reserve to other depository institutions overnight.


From official report :

  • "The Committee seeks to achieve maximum employment and inflation at the rate of 2 percent over the longer run. With inflation running persistently below this longer-run goal, the Committee will aim to achieve inflation moderately above 2 percent for some time so that inflation averages 2 percent over time and longer‑term inflation expectations remain well anchored at 2 percent. The Committee expects to maintain an accommodative stance of monetary policy until these outcomes are achieved. The Committee decided to keep the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and expects it will be appropriate to maintain this target range until labor market conditions have reached levels consistent with the Committee's assessments of maximum employment and inflation has risen to 2 percent and is on track to moderately exceed 2 percent for some time. In addition, the Federal Reserve will continue to increase its holdings of Treasury securities by at least $80 billion per month and of agency mortgage‑backed securities by at least $40 billion per month until substantial further progress has been made toward the Committee's maximum employment and price stability goals. These asset purchases help foster smooth market functioning and accommodative financial conditions, thereby supporting the flow of credit to households and businesses".


AUD/USD: range price movement by Federal Funds Rate news events

AUD/USD: range price movement by Federal Funds Rate news events


NZD/USD: range price movement by Federal Funds Rate news events

NZD/USD: range price movement by Federal Funds Rate news events


Hang Seng Index (HK50): range price movement by Federal Funds Rate news events

Hang Seng Index (HK50): range price movement by Federal Funds Rate news events


The chart was made on MT5 with standard indicators of Metatrader 5 together with following indicators:


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

Sergey Golubev, 2021.04.21 06:48

NZD/USD Intra-Day Fundamentals: New Zealand CPI and range price movement  

2021-04-20 23:45 GMT | [NZD - CPI]

  • past data is 0.5%
  • forecast data is 0.6%
  • actual data is 0.8% according to the latest press release

if actual > forecast (or previous value) = good for currency (for NZD in our case)

[NZD - CPI] = Change in the price of goods and services purchased by consumers.


From rttnews article :

  • "Consumer prices in New Zealand climbed a seasonally adjusted 0.8 percent on quarter in the first quarter of 2021, Statistics New Zealand said on Wednesday. On a yearly basis, consumer prices climbed 1.5 percent - again beating forecasts for 1.4 percent, which would have been unchanged from the three months prior."


NZD/USD: range price movement by New Zealand CPI news event 

NZD/USD: range price movement by New Zealand CPI news event


Chart was made on MT5 with Brainwashing system/AscTrend system (MT5) from this thread (free to download) together with following indicators:

Same system for MT4:

  1. Brainwashing. Trades: manually and using EAs (MT4)
  2. Brainwashing EAs - the thread (MT4)
  3. Brainwashing: system setup for trading manually and for EAs (MT4) - the thread 
  4. Brainwashing: system development (MT4) - the thread


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

Sergey Golubev, 2021.05.05 06:42

NZD/USD Intra-Day Fundamentals: New Zealand  Employment Change and range price movement  

2021-05-04 23:45 GMT | [NZD - Employment Change]

  • past data is 0.6%
  • forecast data is -0.2%
  • actual data is 0.6% according to the latest press release

if actual > forecast (or previous good for currency (for NZD in our case)

[NZD - Employment Change] = Difference in value between imported and exported goods during the reported month.


From official report :

  • "The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate decreased to 4.7 percent in the March 2021 quarter, continuing to fall from its recent peak of 5.2 percent in the September 2020 quarter but remaining high compared with recent years, Stats NZ said today".


NZD/USD: range price movement by New Zealand  Employment Change news event 

NZD/USD: range price movement by New Zealand  Employment Change news event


Chart was made on MT5 with Brainwashing system/AscTrend system (MT5) from this thread (free to download) together with following indicators:


Same systems for MT4/MT5:

The beginning

  1. ASCTrend system, the beginning, part #1
  2. ASCTrend system, the beginning, part #2
  3. ASCTrend system, the beginning, part #3
  4. ASCTrend system, the beginning, part #4 
  5. Digital ASCTrend (Digital Filters with ASCTrend system combined).
  6. LabTrend (LabTrend indicators, LabTrendZigZag, templates, Labtrend EAs) - the thread 



Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

Sergey Golubev, 2021.05.26 09:43

NZD/USD Intra-Day Fundamentals: RBNZ Official Cash Rate, RBNZ Monetary Policy Statement and range price movement  

2021-05-26 03:00 GMT | [NZD - Official Cash Rate]

  • past data is 0.25%
  • forecast data is 0.25%
  • actual data is 0.25% according to the latest press release

if actual > forecast (or previous good for currency (for NZD in our case)

[NZD - Official Cash Rate] = Interest rate at which banks lend balances held at the RBNZ to other banks overnight.


From official report :

  • The Monetary Policy Committee agreed to maintain the current stimulatory level of monetary settings in order to meet its consumer price inflation and employment objectives. The Committee will keep the Official Cash Rate (OCR) at 0.25 percent, and the Large Scale Asset Purchase and Funding for Lending programmes unchanged.


NZD/USD: range price movement by RBNZ  Official Cash Rate news event 

NZD/USD: range price movement by RBNZ  Official Cash Rate news event


Chart was made on MT5 with BrainTrading system (MT5) from this thread (free to download) as well as the following indicators from CodeBase:

All about BrainTrading system for MT5:


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

Sergey Golubev, 2021.06.25 15:59

Intra-Day Fundamentals - AUD/USD and NZD/USD: United States Core Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) Price Index m/m

2021-06-25 13:30 GMT | [USD - Core PCE Price Index]

  • past data is 0.7%
  • forecast data is 0.5%
  • actual data is 0.5% according to the latest press release

if actual > forecast (or previous good for currency (for USD in our case)

[USD - Core PCE Price Index] = Change in the price of goods and services purchased by consumers, excluding food and energy.


From marketwatch article :

  • A key measure of U.S. inflation rose sharply again in May and showed prices rising at the fastest annual pace since 2008, signaling consumers can expect to pay more for goods and services over the summer as the economy recovers from the pandemic. 
  • The rate of PCE inflation is now almost double the Federal Reserve’s 2% goal, but senior officials have downplayed the increase. Fed leaders insist prices will ease next year as the economy returns to normal, most people go back to work and widespread shortages of labor and supplies fade away. 
  • The core PCE price index moved up 0.5% in May. That nudged the increase over the past 12 months to 3.4% from 3.1%.


AUD/USD: range price movement by Core PCE Price Index news events

AUD/USD: range price movement by Core PCE Price Index news events


NZD/USD: range price movement by Core PCE Price Index news events

NZD/USD: range price movement by Core PCE Price Index news events


Chart was made on MT5 with Brainwashing system/AscTrend system (MT5) from this thread (free to download) together with following indicators:

Same system for MT4:

  1. Brainwashing. Trades: manually and using EAs (MT4)
  2. Brainwashing EAs - the thread (MT4)
  3. Brainwashing: system setup for trading manually and for EAs (MT4) - the thread 
  4. Brainwashing: system development (MT4) - the thread


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

Sergey Golubev, 2021.08.04 07:05

NZD/USD Intra-Day Fundamentals: New Zealand  Employment Change and range price movement  

2021-08-03 22:45 GMT | [NZD - Employment Change]

  • past data is 0.6%
  • forecast data is 0.7%
  • actual data is 1.0% according to the latest press release

if actual > forecast (or previous good for currency (for NZD in our case)

[NZD - Employment Change] = Difference in value between imported and exported goods during the reported month.


From official report :

  • "The seasonally adjusted unemployment and underutilisation rates fell to 4.0 and 10.5 percent, respectively, in the June 2021 quarter, Stats NZ said today".


NZD/USD: range price movement by New Zealand  Employment Change news event 

NZD/USD: range price movement by New Zealand  Employment Change news event

NZD/USD: range price movement by New Zealand  Employment Change news event


Chart was made on MT5 with Brainwashing system/AscTrend system (MT5) from this thread (free to download) together with following indicators:


Same systems for MT4/MT5:

The beginning

  1. ASCTrend system, the beginning, part #1
  2. ASCTrend system, the beginning, part #2
  3. ASCTrend system, the beginning, part #3
  4. ASCTrend system, the beginning, part #4 
  5. Digital ASCTrend (Digital Filters with ASCTrend system combined).
  6. LabTrend (LabTrend indicators, LabTrendZigZag, templates, Labtrend EAs) - the thread 
