Forecast and levels for NZD - page 15


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

Sergey Golubev, 2020.06.18 09:42

NZD/USD Intra-Day FundamentalsNew Zealand GDP and range price movement  

2020-06-17 23:45 GMT | [NZD - GDP]

  • past data is 0.5%
  • forecast data is -1.0%
  • actual data is -1.6% according to the latest press release

if actual > forecast (or previous value) = good for currency (for NZD in our case)

[NZD - GDP] = Change in the inflation-adjusted value of all goods and services produced by the economy.


From official report :

  • "Economic activity, as measured by gross domestic product (GDP), was down 1.6 percent in the March 2020 quarter. This was the first quarterly fall since the December 2010 quarter and the largest fall since March 1991. The fall this quarter follows quarterly growth of 0.5 percent in the December 2019 quarter. On an annual basis, GDP grew 1.5 percent over the year ended March 2020. Annual growth in GDP has been generally slowing since December 2016 when it was 3.9 percent."


NZD/USD: range price movement by New Zealand GDP news event 

NZD/USD: range price movement by New Zealand GDP news event


Chart was made on MT5 with Brainwashing system/AscTrend system (MT5) from this thread (free to download) together with following indicators:

Same system for MT4:

  1. Brainwashing. Trades: manually and using EAs (MT4)
  2. Brainwashing EAs - the thread (MT4)
  3. Brainwashing: system setup for trading manually and for EAs (MT4) - the thread 
  4. Brainwashing: system development (MT4) - the thread


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

Sergey Golubev, 2020.06.24 09:57

NZD/USD Intra-Day Fundamentals: RBNZ Official Cash Rate, RBNZ Monetary Policy Statement and range price movement  

2020-06-24 03:00 GMT | [NZD - Official Cash Rate]

  • past data is 0.25%
  • forecast data is 0.25%
  • actual data is 0.25% according to the latest press release

if actual > forecast (or previous good for currency (for NZD in our case)

[NZD - Official Cash Rate] = Interest rate at which banks lend balances held at the RBNZ to other banks overnight.


From official report :

  • "The Monetary Policy Committee agreed to continue with the Large Scale Asset Purchase (LSAP) programme aimed at keeping interest rates low for the foreseeable future. The LSAP quantum remains set at $60 billion. The assets included are New Zealand Government Bonds, Local Government Funding Agency Bonds, and NZ Government Inflation-Indexed Bonds. The Committee is committed to reviewing this quantum at regular intervals, with a focus on achieving its remit. The Official Cash Rate (OCR) is being held at 0.25 percent in accordance with the guidance issued on 16 March.""The Committee’s decisions are guided by the Reserve Bank’s mandate and its decision making principles on the use of alternative monetary policy instruments. We will outline the outlook for the LSAP programme and our readiness to deploy alternative monetary policy tools in our August Statement. We are committed to meeting our inflation and employment mandate."


NZD/USD: range price movement by RBNZ  Official Cash Rate news event 

NZD/USD: range price movement by RBNZ  Official Cash Rate news event


Chart was made on MT5 with BrainTrading system (MT5) from this thread (free to download) as well as the following indicators from CodeBase:

All about BrainTrading system for MT5:


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

Sergey Golubev, 2020.07.02 19:31

Intra-Day Fundamentals - GBP/USD, NZD/USD and Dollar Index (DXY): United States Nonfarm Payrolls

2020-07-02 13:30 GMT | [USD - Non-Farm Employment Change]

  • past data is 2699K
  • forecast data is 3037K
  • actual data is 4800K according to the latest press release

if actual > forecast (or previous value) = good for currency (for USD in our case)

[USD - Non-Farm Employment Change] = Change in the number of employed people during the previous month, excluding the farming industry.


From official report :

  • "Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 4.8 million in June, and the unemployment rate declined to 11.1 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. These improvements in the labor market reflected the continued resumption of economic activity that had been curtailed in March and April due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and efforts to contain it. In June, employment in leisure and hospitality rose sharply. Notable job gains also occurred in retail trade, education and health services, other services, manufacturing, and professional and business services."


GBP/USD: range price movement by Nonfarm Payrolls news events

GBP/USD: range price movement by Nonfarm Payrolls news events


NZD/USD: range price movement by Nonfarm Payrolls news events

NZD/USD: range price movement by Nonfarm Payrolls news events


Dollar Index (DXY): range price movement by Nonfarm Payrolls news events

Dollar Index (DXY): range price movement by Nonfarm Payrolls news events


Chart was made on MT5 with Brainwashing system/AscTrend system (MT5) from this thread (free to download) together with following indicators:

Same system for MT4:

  1. Brainwashing. Trades: manually and using EAs (MT4)
  2. Brainwashing EAs - the thread (MT4)
  3. Brainwashing: system setup for trading manually and for EAs (MT4) - the thread
  4. Brainwashing: system development (MT4) - the thread


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

Sergey Golubev, 2020.07.16 16:37

Intra-Day Fundamentals - Dollar Index, NZD/USD and USD/CAD: United States Retail Sales Ex Autos

2020-07-16 13:30 GMT | [USD - Core Retail Sales]

  • past data is 12.1%
  • forecast data is 5.0%
  • actual data is 7.3% according to the latest press release

if actual > forecast (or previous good for currency (for USD in our case)

[USD - Core Retail Sales] = Change in the total value of sales at the retail level, excluding automobiles.


From rttnews article :

  • "Reflecting the reopening of businesses following the coronavirus-induced lockdowns, the Commerce Department released a report on Thursday showing another substantial increase in U.S. retail sales in the month of June. The report said retail sales soared by 7.5 percent in June after skyrocketing by an upwardly revised 18.2 percent in May. The report showed a notable slowdown in the pace of growth by motor vehicles and parts dealers, although auto sales still jumped by 8.2 percent in June after spiking by 48.7 percent in May. Excluding sales by motor vehicles and parts dealers, retail sales shot up by 7.3 percent in May after soaring by 12.1 percent in May. Ex-auto sales were also expected to surge up by 5.0 percent."


Dollar Index (DXY): range price movement by United States Retail Sales Ex Autos news events

Dollar Index (DXY): range price movement by United States Retail Sales Ex Autos news events


NZD/USD: range price movement by United States Retail Sales Ex Autos news events

NZD/USD: range price movement by United States Retail Sales Ex Autos news events


USD/CAD: range price movement by United States Retail Sales Ex Autos news events

USD/CAD: range price movement by United States Retail Sales Ex Autos news events


Chart was made on MT5 with BrainTrading system (MT5) from this thread (free to download) as well as the following indicators from CodeBase:

All about BrainTrading system for MT5:


Hello Sergey , I think those "Forecast" threads should be on the Trading systems subcategory and not in the general discussion since they promote a trading system.

My opinion .

Thank you

Lorentzos Roussos:

Hello Sergey , I think those "Forecast" threads should be on the Trading systems subcategory and not in the general discussion since they promote a trading system.

My opinion .

Thank you

It is fundamental + technical analysis on the way it should be (with the source codes of indicators used to create the charts).
I hope that we will have the special section for those thread ... if not so it is still on general section here.
Sergey Golubev:
It is fundamental + technical analysis on the way it should be (with the source codes of indicators used to create the charts).
I hope that we will have the special section for those thread ... if not so it is still on general section here.

Great .

So if i upload a free indicator on the market i can post screenshots of its analysis in the general forum ?

Or if im offering a demo i can post analysis screenshots from that demo since its accessible for free . right ?

it wont be deleted ,same rules for all ,right ?

Lorentzos Roussos:

Great .

So if i upload a free indicator on the market i can post screenshots of its analysis in the general forum ?

Or if im offering a demo i can post analysis screenshots from that demo since its accessible for free . right ?

it wont be deleted ,same rules for all ,right ?

CodeBase only sorry (source codes).
And it should be the fundamental-technical analysis anyway.

But when we will have a special section for fundamental-technicala anaysis so it will be some rules for that (and it may be the different from what we are having here now on the other sections).

technical analysis - Trading blogs and financial markets analysis
technical analysis - Trading blogs and financial markets analysis
Technical analysis and fundamental analysis are the two broad methods used to make investment decisions. Technical analysis is a security analysis methodology for forecasting the direction of prices
Sergey Golubev:

CodeBase only sorry (source codes).
And it should be the fundamental-technical analysis anyway.

But when we will have a special section for fundamental-technicala anaysis so it will be some rules for that (and it may be the different from what we are having here now on the other sections).

I see .

So is this allowed ? (its technical analysis practically) ?(example photo , for me and others to know)

[also i like the idea of a new section]

Lorentzos Roussos:

I see .

So is this allowed ? (its technical analysis practically) ?(example photo , for me and others to know)

[also i like the idea of a new section]

Chart only is not a technical analysis.
Technical analysis is the text.. more or less standard text with standard terminology.
And the people who are making the technical analysis in professional way - they are doing it as a speciality, same as coders for example (and yes - there are paid analysis, and there are free analysis).

It should be written something related to the technical analysis, about support/resistance, about "if price crosses ... level so we will see; but if the price breaks this level so ..", and those all should be simple and it should be written according to the standard. Same as coding for example ...

Besides, there are some standards of technical analysis about how it looks like related to the charts.
Many people are using 200 SMA, 100 SMA and 55 SMA, and it become a standard for now.
Some other authors are using Ichimoku.

As to patterns so - yes, it may be possible but it is necessary to provide more expanation of the post for the image (because majority of the users will not understand it on the way as they understand Moving Averages indicator for example).

And yes - indicators should be the standard indicators on Metatrader, and/or on CodeBase by source codes (for Metatrader 5).