iHighest and iLowest (shift) ?


Hi Chaps

I would appreciate any help that you can give with the iHighest & ILowest functions, I have coded this and am getting whole numbers returned such as 138 and 9 respectively what exactly does this shift relate to with respect to the basic Pip or Point.

Kindest Regards



Hi Chaps

I would appreciate any help that you can give with the iHighest & ILowest functions, I have coded this and am getting whole numbers returned such as 138 and 9 respectively what exactly does this shift relate to with respect to the basic Pip or Point.

Kindest Regards


They refer to the bar index (the shift) which has the highest or lowest values.

Bar 138... Bar 9


They refer to the bar index (the shift) which has the highest or lowest values.

Bar 138... Bar 9

Thank you for the rapid response, I was hoping to use this function to find what the highest bid/ask was and I have only been given the relative bar where they occur is there a way to get the bid/ask from these positions of 138 and 9

Kind regards



Thank you for the rapid response, I was hoping to use this function to find what the highest bid/ask was and I have only been given the relative bar where they occur is there a way to get the bid/ask from these positions of 138 and 9

Kind regards


High[Highest] is Highest of BID at the Bar, and ASK is BID + Spread. (BID is price close at the time)

Low[Lowest] is Lowest of BID at the Bar, and ASK is BID + Spread.


Thank you for the rapid response, I was hoping to use this function to find what the highest bid/ask was and I have only been given the relative bar where they occur is there a way to get the bid/ask from these positions of 138 and 9

Kind regards


Sadly not. MT4 does not store historical bid/ask or spread.

The best you can get is the Bid price at the open, high, low or close of the bar (as @Roberto Jacobs says).


Sadly not. MT4 does not store historical bid/ask or spread.

The best you can get is the Bid price at the open, high, low or close of the bar (as @Roberto Jacobs says).

Many thanks to you both this is fine for my purposes, So I can use Low[lowest] & High[Highest] functions to access the Bid at the shift values of interest. I shall experiment with these functions.

Kind regards
