Discussion of article "Graphical interfaces X: New features for the Rendered table (build 9)"


New article Graphical interfaces X: New features for the Rendered table (build 9) has been published:

Until today, the CTable was the most advanced type of tables among all presented in the library. This table is assembled from edit boxes of the OBJ_EDIT type, and its further development becomes problematic. Therefore, in terms of maximum capabilities, it is better to develop rendered tables of the CCanvasTable type even at the current development stage of the library. Its current version is completely lifeless, but starting from this article, we will try to fix the situation.

Rendered table with a selected row looks the following way:

Fig. 3. Demonstration of selecting and deselecting a row of the rendered table.

Fig. 3. Demonstration of selecting and deselecting a row of the rendered table.

Author: Anatoli Kazharski