FOREX-TSD General User Guide

FOREX-TSD General User Guide

Standard member´s guide:

The following code of conduct will serve as a regulation to guide user behavior on FOREX-TSD. Members who break the rules repeatedly or intentionally will be penalized.

1.No commercial related usernames

A standard user may have the nickname such as “helloworld”, “RSIKing”, “coderman” etc….., however, a nickname such as “FP Representative”, “Alpari UK” are considered as commercial names that should not be used as a Standard member. In these cases, the behavior of such members should be regulated by the Commercial member´s user guide.

2. Focus on Forex

As the FOREX-TSD forum is specialized in forex investments, members should respect the nature of the topics using common sense.

3.Treating other users with dignity and respect.

4.The use of any external links is prohibited in “Nickname/signature” and the use in “Post” must be related to the content of the thread and provide useful information for the users, otherwise, a violation will be judged by the administrator.

5.The standard user may post or reply in any sections or sub-sections of the FOREX-TSD Forum.

The standard user may start a thread in any sections or sub-sections of the FOREX-TSD Forum except in the Administration sections such as “Announcement” where only the administrators are authorized to start a thread.

Commercial member´s guide:

Except obeying the number 2.3.4 of the previous rules, the Commercial members should also follow the next regulation to guide their behavior.

1.Commercial username

As a representative of a financial entity such as:


b)Forex related website;

c)Person or company offer to sell their ideas, coding skills ,indicators or EAs;

A related username is permitted only if the nickname obeys the next requirements,

· Obeys the number 4 of the previous rules.

· Claimed in the signature as “Company name representative”(case a and b)

· Claimed in the signature as “CommercialActivity”(case c)

2.Commercial materials

Commercial materials such as Financial News Analysis, Trading suggestions, Trading system for sale or Commercial ideas, should be posted in the section of “Commercial Talks”, sub section “Broker talks”, “Commercial Trading Systems and indicators” or “Evaluate Commercial Ideas”.

Whilst we suggest that every Entity should have a thread for complaints and service, it is NOT an obligation.

3.The commercial member may post or reply in any sections or sub-sections of the FOREX-TSD Forum.

The commercial member can only start a thread in the section of “Commercial Talks” and its dependent sub sections of the FOREX-TSD Forum.


FOREX-TSD User Guide - Complaint and help guide

Complaint and help guide

The mission of FOREX TSD Team is to build a fair, cohesive and vibrant community.

To achieve this, we connect people to services and to each other.

Forum members have a right to express reasonable dissatisfaction with services offered by the FOREX-TSD Forum.

If you are not satisfied with a service we provide, or a decision we make, we would like to know. Your complaint will provide us with information to help improve the quality of our services.

You can make a complaint or for help by contacting us via the applicable email address:


[TD]For help or to make a suggestion [TD]
Technical (coding) problem[/TD][/TD]


Issues with payment[/TD] [TD]




Just reminding about the previous post (mainly for users that downloaded something from elite and advanced sections and due to new metatarder 4 changes, it stopped working)