*Daily Forex market overviews by MasterForex.com* - page 34


Overview of the main economical events of the current day - 06/02/2013

EUR shows gains in the eve of ECB meeting

EUR demonstrates some growth vs USD as market participants are waiting for ECB meeting on Thursday. Investors will be looking for any hints that ECB believes that EUR is too strong as only the Central Bank can introduce the measures to affect this situation.

Another factor helping EUR climb is positive service sector statistics, which surprisingly reached a 9-months high level of 48.6 compared to consensus of 48.2 and 47.2 just a months before. Moreover, weak US data also put some pressure on the dollar, allowing EUR to show gains vs it.

Finally, JPY reached it lowest level in 3 years as Head of Bank of Japan announced he will quit on March 19 – 3 weeks earlier than planned before, underpinning the tough situation in Japan.

By MasterForex Company


Overview of the main economical events of the current day - 07/02/2013

EUR erases its gains vs USD

EUR declined vs USD on the back of banking shocks that threat to re-start debt crisis in the region as well as upcoming ECB meeting.

The union currency decreased against most of 16 major currencies as Spanish Prime-Minister is being forced to leave the position. Investors also expect to see losses from Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena SpA, which put further pressure to EUR.

This week investors are waiting for ECB meeting, during which Central Bank is to evaluate economy conditions and will make an interest rate decision. Market participants are also waiting on comments regarding EUR’s strength as many see high exchange rate as a threat to economy healing.

GBP is trading narrowly vs USD due to housing statistics, finally showing an increase in prices (first since October 2010). The prices grew by 1.3%, which is below expectations of 1.6% but an increase nonetheless. Moreover, Halifax added some optimism saying that first shoots of improvement seen in the end of 2012 are likely to continue this year.

By MasterForex Company


Overview of the main economical events of the current day - 08/02/2013

All attention on EUR

EUR retraced some of it losses vs USD yesterday after Mario Draghi announced that he expects a slowdown in inflation rates down to 2% in the coming months. He also believes that the economy will continue to remain weak in the beginning of the year and will gradually improve with the stock markets. It was also said that high EUR exchange rate is a sign of investors’ trust in the region and while ECB will continue to monitor it, they do not see it as a threat.

Earlier before ECB left its key interest rate unchanged for a 7th month in a row. This week EUR demonstrated the longest decline in that 7 months.

Keep an eye on Brussels today as EU leaders are meeting there to discuss 2014-2020 budget plans. Even before the summit it was quite clear that there definitely is a lack of consensus and finding common ground will not be easy. Basically there are two large fractions: UK, Netherlands and some other members are pushing for saving assets and cutting costs, while another, led by France, Italy and Spain insist on stimulating the growth via increased spending.

By MasterForex Company


Overview of the main economical events of the current day - 11/02/2013

Retail sales in USA and UK; Eurozone, Japan and Germany GDP data

The week ahead is not particularly newsflow heavy, although there is definitely some news worth following.

On Monday, Eurogroup meeting is planned – e.g. a meeting of the finance ministers of the Eurozone. Expect market reaction to anything and everything that will be announced during the meeting. This is likely to be the main news on Monday, however some minor statistics are also planned for release such as 4Q overdue mortgages from USA and housing data from New Zealand.

Tuesday will bring UK’s housing prices for January, consumer confidence from Japan and some other UK data such as CPI, inflation data and other price indexes. Another important thing going on for EUR will be ECOFIN meeting which is likely to support whatever trends that will form on Monday.

On Wednesday, keep your eyes on manufacturing orders in December from EU. From UK expect a press conference held by Head of Bank of England. USA will publish a bunch of data, including retail sales, crude oil reserves and some other statistics. USA is also to place 10-year bonds, while Japan will release lots of GDP figures.

Most important Thursday news is probably going to be a press conference held by Bank of Japan – expect to see an interest rate decision and some market-moving comments. Also prepare for preliminary GDP data from Germany and EU as well as a monthly ECB report.

Finally, Friday will bring us a monthly report made by Bank of Japan. Also keep in mind that G20 meeting takes place on Friday and Saturday so expect some newsflow coming from there as well.

By MasterForex Company


Overview of the main economical events of the current day - 12/02/2013

GBP declines fast on bad statistics data

EUR demonstrated some healthy gains rising against most of the major currencies on Monday thanks to a comment from Head of ECB, who said that EUR is not particularly overpriced and a weaker EUR policy will lead to rising inflation.

JPY vs USD trades close to a minimum level since May 2010 after Minister of Economy announced that the government needs to keep trying to stimulate stock markets. At the same time, Japanese currency declined vs EUR for the first time in 4 days after a potential future Head of Bank of Japan Haruhiko Kuroda said he supports further stimulus packages and expects some of them to be approved this year – looks like Kuroda is ready for serious action once he is elected as the new Head of BoJ.

Finally, GBP declined against most major currencies on bad manufacturing statistics. Add to the mix the speculations that investors are not so sure (as they used to be before) about exchange rate rising and you’ll get the idea why British currency was killed yesterday.

By MasterForex Company


Overview of the main economical events of the current day - 13/02/2013

JPY jumps on positive comments

JPY grew vs USD and EUR after comments from G7 representatives that their previous message was understood incorrectly meaning that they are concerned about excessive changes in prices of the Asian currencies. They also were not happy about one-way regulation of JPY exchange rate. It also became known that this issue will be discussed this weekend during G20 meeting.

GBP has reached its 6 months minimum against USD as many market participants are expecting decrease in forecasts by Bank of England. GBP also declined against most of major currencies due to the fact that this decreased expected growth is likely pointing to interest rates remaining at a record low level.

By MasterForex Company


Overview of the main economical events of the current day - 14/02/2013

GBP declines rapidly after Bank of England comments

GBP continues its downward motion on comments from Bank of England that the risks to the economy recovery have risen. GBP found itself under strong pressure after inflation report and Head of Bank of England comments. BoE’s report suggests that UK’s GDP is to remain lower than pre-crisis level until 2015, while CPI is expected to be higher than planned for at least another 3 years. Head of BoE also said that the recovery will be slower and any further monetary stimulation will lead to market optimism but not an economic growth. Finally, he also announced that external demand needs to be encouraged hinting that weaker national currency is the way to do it.

EUR has also fallen against major currencies as Portuguese level of unemployment rose to 16.9% in 4Q compared to 15.8% a quarter before providing market participants with uncomforting news.

JPY trades more or less flat vs EUR and USD in contrast to the previous trading session. It looks like investors are being cautious in the eve of Bank of Japan meeting despite the fact that market consensus is that no further stimulus packages are to be introduced right now.

By MasterForex Company


Overview of the main economical events of the current day - 15/02/2013

EUR declines on negative news flow

EUR reached 3 week minimum vs USD after report showed that recession in Eurozone increased deeper than expected in 4Q, which hurts demand for region's assets and stimulates interest rates to remain low.

EUR also fell against JPY due to declined GDP in both Germany and France. Finally, ECB vice-president announced that the bank is technically ready to set a negative deposit rate if necessary. Right now the rate is 0%.

USD rose on positive initial jobless claims that surprisingly decreased below expectations. Despite some increase last week, average level remains at a 5 year low.

JPY grew vs most of major currencies on a comment from Russian finance minister who urged G20 to take a firmer stand against currency manipulations.

By MasterForex Company


Overview of the main economical events of the current day - 18/02/2013

JPY continues to be under pressure

JPY visibly declined on Friday after a member of G20 announced that they are not supporting G7’s opinion that exchange rates should not be a part of policy. At the same time G20 urged members not to start competitive devaluation saying that the markets should define exchange rates. JPY has lost more than 7% since the beginning of the year as a result of Japan trying to stimulate its economic growth.

GBP showed its largest weekly decline against USD since June after retail sales soaring by 0.6% in January (compared to 0.3% decline in December) – the first time since 2011. This comes as a negative surprise as the market was expecting a 0.5% increase even despite the heavy snowstorms in the first half of the month.

By MasterForex Company


Overview of the main economical events of the current day - 19/02/2013

Important statistics are out today from both Eurozone and Japan

Yesterday was a rather quite day due to banking holidays in USA (President’s Day) and Canada (Family Day). While there was some movement in Eurozone on the back of poor financials and Mario Draghi saying he still sees risks for recovery, this news lies perfectly in line with the sentiment so no surprises here. However, as said before, American investors didn’t have a chance to react to this news just yet so expect an increased volatility today.

Moreover, if news wires today are disappointing we could possibly see an overreaction with American investors (who are late to the party) joining a sell-off in Eurozone – and potentially there are some planned figures releases that just might be enough for at least a short term panic. Today watch out for ZEW confidence indexes from Germany as well as Eurozone business sentiment data from ZEW as well; wholesale trading and foreign security operations from Canada; Japanese trade balance data and a bunch of economic indicators from Australia.

By MasterForex Company