What did I missed here? - page 2


In my opinion you took Buy position in wrong price 

If you check the Daily chart the price in "Range" no direction for about 16 days

Mohammed Mounir:

I see!!

Its better to wait for Price action signal to enter good price position

I also made a big mistake as a beginner! I enter a trade at the top! There were like four peaks, and someone explains this to me :-) Everyday learning :-)
Charlie Alberti:

I also made a big mistake as a beginner! I enter a trade at the top! There were like four peaks, and someone explains this to me :-) Everyday learning :-)

Its great to learn and i think you will be great trader :-)
Mohammed Mounir:

In my opinion you took Buy position in wrong price 

If you check the Daily chart the price in "Range" no direction for about 16 days

Its great to learn and i think you will be great trader :-)

Okay thanks :-) 

Thank you!