Central bankers/FOMC meeting minutes due tomorrow


MPC Cunliffe/FOMC Dudley and George

Tomorrow's highlights include speeches by Feds Dudley and George.   Dudley is due to speak at the Fireside Chat with the Business council of New York at 8 AM ET/1200 GMT.  Esther George is scheduled to speak at the Federal Reserve of Chicago payment symposium (ZZZZZ) at 9:40 AM ET/1330 GMT. George was a dissenting member at the last meeting. Dudley voted to keep rates unchanged. 

Before their speeches, BOE Deputy Governor Cunliffe will be testifying on the effect of Brexit on financial services before the Financial Affairs Sub Committee. The testimony is scheduled to begin at 5 AM ET/0900GMT

Also tomorrow will be the release of the FOMC meeting minutes from the September meeting.  At the meeting, the Fed voted to keep rates unchanged although 3 voting members (George, Mester and Rosengren) did dissent in favor of a hike.  The details will be of great interest to the market  The minutes will be released at 2 PM ET/1800 GMT.
