To share or not to share (the strategy)?


Lets imagine that one of us has discovered a Holy Grail indi.

Than he has shared this indi with one milion peoples reading this forum.

All of them have shared the indi with their friends and so on.

After a month all the marked was using the same indi, so everybody ware selling and buying in the same moments.

If so, the marked had to work 100% against the indi and the indi became to be a Hell Grail.

That is extremal situation but it looks to be obvious that more people using the same indi = the indi is more and more depreciated.

What do you guys think about that?    :)

Ps. Mladen, please do not read this thread


Lets imagine that one of us has discovered a Holy Grail indi.

Than he has shared this indi with one milion peoples reading this forum.

All of them have shared the indi with their friends and so on.

After a month all the marked was using the same indi, so everybody ware selling and buying in the same moments.

If so, the marked had to work 100% against the indi and the indi became to be a Hell Grail.

That is extremal situation but it looks to be obvious that more people using the same indi = the indi is more and more depreciated.

What do you guys think about that?    :)

Ps. Mladen, please do not read this thread

 Why MLADEN may not read this post/thread ..... what the is usefulness and or secret behind.

First,no holy grail till now and will never be in future even,it was just a "VERB LOGO" that loudly talked and spread out and used for some fooling around.then A holy grail can be for some traders (whom lack of knowledge and market behavior) when others do not think and use it as holy grail.and lastly if there was any possibility (0.01 %) for some holy grail,the whole online trading system was wound up many years there is no needs to guessing around.



 Why MLADEN may not read this post/thread ..... what the is usefulness and or secret behind.

First,no holy grail till now and will never be in future even,it was just a "VERB LOGO" that loudly talked and spread out and used for some fooling around.then A holy grail can be for some traders (whom lack of knowledge and market behavior) when others do not think and use it as holy grail.and lastly if there was any possibility (0.01 %) for some holy grail,the whole online trading system was wound up many years there is no needs to guessing around.


mntiwana,  Holy Grail is to make a model situation. Analising this model situation we can come to conclusions usefull in real situations.

Any way, if you have an indi 70% acurate and you will share it with 10 milion traders the acurancy will go down to 5% (I gues) because of the theory described above.

Is it correct thinking?

By the way, you are prohibited to read this thread aswell because you use to post so many interesting idis also. Here you got an answer for the question why Mladen should not read this thread  :)  :)  :)


mntiwana,  Holy Grail is to make a model situation. Analising this model situation we can come to conclusions usefull in real situations.

Any way, if you have an indi 70% acurate and you will share it with 10 milion traders the acurancy will go down to 5% (I gues) because of the theory described above.

Is it correct thinking?

By the way, you are prohibited to read this thread aswell because you use to post so many interesting idis also. Here you got an answer for the question why Mladen should not read this thread  :)  :)  :)


Thanks for banning me too, :) but i love learn what i don't know.i understand your logic but keep remember,peoples will not come on one singular common point,opposition is always there,even peoples were not agree 100% with their holy prophets .............. and for examples,you don't see,some or many of us inverting EAs and indicators,some brokers playing against their clients and what is defending hedge.




Thanks for banning me too, :) but i love learn what i don't know.i understand your logic but keep remember,peoples will not come on one singular common point,opposition is always there,even peoples were not agree 100% with their holy prophets .............. and for examples,you don't see,some or many of us inverting EAs and indicators,some brokers playing against their clients and what is defending hedge.


Thanks for understanding my sense of humor.  :)

"some or many of us inverting EAs and indicators"

That is interesting. How can You do this, when, what indi show you to do this?

"some brokers playing against their clients and what is defending hedge"

Very interesting. How do you know that and what is the defence strategy?

Now I am not joking. Please describe your strategy in above points.



Lets imagine that one of us has discovered a Holy Grail indi.

Than he has shared this indi with one milion peoples reading this forum.

All of them have shared the indi with their friends and so on.

After a month all the marked was using the same indi, so everybody ware selling and buying in the same moments.

If so, the marked had to work 100% against the indi and the indi became to be a Hell Grail.

That is extremal situation but it looks to be obvious that more people using the same indi = the indi is more and more depreciated.

What do you guys think about that?    :)

Ps. Mladen, please do not read this thread

do u even know what market is ? what are the infrastructure of financial markets ? you can look for answer by analyzing price behavior in economic news releasing times .

mntiwana,  Holy Grail is to make a model situation. Analising this model situation we can come to conclusions usefull in real situations.

Any way, if you have an indi 70% acurate and you will share it with 10 milion traders the acurancy will go down to 5% (I gues) because of the theory described above.

Is it correct thinking?simply no , if everyone is buying then there would be no selling. number of traders doesn't matter to price , volume & momentum  do . 

By the way, you are prohibited to read this thread aswell because you use to post so many interesting idis also. Here you got an answer for the question why Mladen should not read this thread  :)  :)  :)


Is it correct thinking?simply no , if everyone is buying then there would be no selling. number of traders doesn't matter to price , volume & momentum  do . 

If everybody would wont to buy, logicaly the price should go up and up , so they all should be the winners, but is it truth in forex?

Can we just united and sey SELL NOW and we will all win?


My wife said "go to bed because it is nearly 2 am". An order is an order. :)

See you tomorow.


My wife said "go to bed because it is nearly 2 am". An order is an order. :)

See you tomorow.

May be THE only indicator/tool (wife) one should follow for best trading actions (spousal life). :)

Is it correct thinking?simply no , if everyone is buying then there would be no selling. number of traders doesn't matter to price , volume & momentum  do . 

If everybody would wont to buy, logicaly the price should go up and up , so they all should be the winners, but is it truth in forex?

Can we just united and sey SELL NOW and we will all win?

again , this is not the case . let's say huge crowd decide to buy oil . if they put the "same price" then nothing would happen although there would be a big order in that price but somehow "soros" may decide to fill that order with high leverage.then order will disappear in a blink !